Chapter Fourteen

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"Get out of there, Zhan, and you have a visitor," said Nanny Yungchin when she entered his room. Zhan put the baby clothes in the drawers that Nanny Yingchun washed after she and Yibo bought them.

"Who, Nana?"

"Us, son," Fengmian said from behind Yingchun with his mom.

"D-Dad!" He was shocked to see his father. He couldn't move sitting up in bed. Afraid of the consequences.

Fengmian let out a sad smile. "I've been waiting for you to visit me again, Zhan."

"Dad," Zhan stood up and hugged his father and cried. "I'm so sorry, Daddy... please forgive me."

Fengmian patted him on the back. "Maybe it's a good thing I didn't find out right away, Zhan," his father said softly. "I probably can't accept it right away. I won't ask questions like your grandfather did with your Aunt Kim, I'll forgive you. I'll support you because you are my son. I don't want you to accuse us of deserting you when you most needed us. Though, heaven knows, no I can't imagine how you did this to us. We didn't deserve this, did we?"

Words deserted him. What can he say and justify?

"I won't send you to another place like what Papa did to Kim. And it's not because you accepted your Mommy and I's forgiveness that you can avoid the consequences. In your eyes, you will see how your Mommy and I will deal with shame. So are you. It might help you think a thousand times in the future."

Zhan closed his eyes tightly. He could feel his father's anger. The bitterness of his words. And he was right. He empathizes with parents in dealing with the humiliation. And he wanted to disappear at the moment for causing this to his parents.

He didn't want to go home with them to avoid embarrassing his parents. But Fengmian did not agree for him to stay at Yibo's house. That same day, his parents brought him home to Gusu.

Sadness filled his entire being when he looked back at the house.

Soon, Cheng Xiao will occupy the entire house as Yibo's wife. Hopefully, she will take care of the plants he planted.


"Mom, when is Yibo's wedding?" he asked Yizuan once. He knew Yibo knew that he was home. It's been a month since he left Yibo's house.

"I don't think there is a definite date yet. And Yibo is in Beijing for two more weeks. Maybe that's where they're buying the things they'll use for the wedding." Yizuan answered, lowering the glass of milk in front of him. "Your Aunt Carmen would have wanted you to be the best man because we, your Daddy, are the sponsors. But I told them that you can't."

"Do they know I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, I didn't want them to be surprised the moment they saw you. They were stunned for a moment but didn't ask. I thanked it secretly."

Zhan bit her lip to keep himself from crying. He only blames himself more for what is happening. So far, no one knows about his condition because their neighbors are far away. Their house stands on three hectares of land surrounded by trees and coconuts. Fengmian inherited the house and land of his parents when his Aunt Kim and her husband decided to live in America with the elderly.

And maybe Ziyuan letting know Yibo's parents about his condition made it possible for Carmen to visit him.

"How are you, Zhan?" asked Carmen. Trying to hide the curiosity in her eyes with a smile.

"I'm good, Auntie," he kissed the old woman's cheek. "

"Oh, I hope we can also have grandchildren soon," said Carmen as she sat down.

"It won't take long," Zhan said. "Yibo is getting married, isn't he?"

"I don't think Cheng Xiao plans to have children right away. According to her, they are still young. And I think she plans to continue her specializing in medicine in America." And with twinkling eyes, Carmen looked at his stomach. "When will the baby come out?"

"My due is at the end of the month. Give and take a week because it's my first time, my doctor said."

"Why are you looking so beautiful today, Zhan," Carmen complimented him and looked at him. "Your skin is glowing. It might be a girl."

"That's what I told him, Carmen," said Ziyuan as she brought the food.

"Zhan is like my son too, Ziyuan. It might not be a bad idea to let me borrow the baby from time to time. I will be sad when Yibo leaves for America with Cheng Xiao."

"Why don't you stop Yibo and ask your daughter-in-law to postpone their plan to go to America?"

"I think Ziyuan, maybe that's a good thing. I don't think I'll like that girl's attitude. It's just that I won't be the one to spend a life with her but Yibo. Even in little things, she raised her voice. My God, even with my presence & Quiren, when they fight her voice is louder."

Although the pain does not seem to fade on the knowledge that Yibo's marriage to Cheng Xiao is still going on, Zhan can't help but still listen about it.

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