Chapter Eight

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They agreed that Yibo would go to Beijing on Saturday and Sunday to find a place for Zhan to live. And while Yibo was away, Zhan talked to his parents.

"Why are you doing this all of a sudden, Zhan?" Fengmian's voice was mixed with a scolding when he told his plan.

"Dad," Zhan cheered his voice. "Is it bad for me to use what I graduated to, and it happened that I accepted the job I applied for?" Zhan looked at his mother. "Also, Mom, I don't want to go abroad. If I go abroad, I will take years before we meet again."

"That's right," Ziyuan agreed when she thought about what Zhan said. "You're our only child, then if you'll be that far from us, I will be sad."

"I want to talk to your boss. I want him to know that our family is—"

"Dad," Zhan laughed at his father. "My application already states that my father is a branch manager of a well-known bank. The same as my grandfather who received a recognition and plaque for his service at that bank."

Zhan made the parents agree and when they learned that Yibo would be the one to send him to Beijing, they felt more reassured. That only added to the guilt Zhan feels.


"Where did you find a place for me to live?" Zhan asked while they were on the way. "Three towns from here. In Qinghe." Yibo replied that the attention was on the steering wheel.

"Qinghe! Are you kidding?" Zhan exclaimed.

"Why, do you think I'll let you live alone in Beijing? And do you think it's that easy to find a place to live there at this short period of time?"

"This is insane, Yibo!" Zhan almost shouted. "I have to work at least. You can't be the one to spend all for me. Besides, what if Mommy and Daddy call the office?"

"They won't do that if two weeks later you call them and tell them that you've been assigned to another place. And I'll take care of it, I'll let them know I'm visiting you every second week."

"Oh, god!" Zhan sank into his palms.

"You're the one making things difficult, Zhan," Yibo said in a flat tone. "I give you the easiest solution, but you refuse."

Zhan was on the brink of accepting his proposal. He wasn't even sure how far he could hide the situation from his parents. But when Cheng Xiao crossed his mind, the desire immediately disappeared from his mind. He will not destroy the relationship between his friend and his girlfriend just because of his condition. Neither him or Yibo liked what happened.

They didn't stop during the trip until they arrived at a medium-sized bungalow-style house. No paint but it looks brand new. The two went down almost at the same time.

"W-whose house is that, Ge?"

"It's mine," Yibo answered and opened the steel gate that he thought was just a new fixture. "Let's come inside."

"Yours?" Zhan said in an incredulous tone. "H-how-?"

"You remember Bowen?" Zhan nodded. It's Yibo's classmate from high school. "This vast land belongs to them. When he went abroad and needed money, they sold one hectare of their land. I offered to buy this parcel of land from my own savings. I had been working at the bank for a year at that time."

"Why... you didn't even mention this to me? Do your parents know about this?" Zhan said.

"They know because when I started to build this house, I borrowed money from Dad. Come, come in," Yibo invited when the door was opened.

Zhan looked around the whole house. There is no furniture whatsoever, but the finishing touches are done inside. The only thing missing is the paint. The floor has large, glazed tiles.

"There are two rooms in this house and a servant's quarter," Yibo pulled him towards the rooms. He opened one by one for him to see. The master bedroom is even larger. Between the two rooms is the bathroom.

"This is the master bedroom, this is yours." Said Yibo.

Zhan follows Yibo absentmindedly. A cozy room opened up to him. Also, no furniture inside but there is a large built-in cabinet. The floor is parquet and there is a door to the verandah that overlooks the field at the back. The veranda is shaded by a large mango tree.

"W-why did you build a house like this, Ge?" From holding the railing, he faced Yibo who is standing at the entrance of the veranda.

Yibo smiled fatly. "Why does a young man build a house but to prepare for the time when he will get married, right?"

Zhan didn't understand his feelings because of that answer. Yibo built this house for him and Cheng Xiao. But because of his problem, Yibo brought him there. He turned his back on Yibo again. And filled his chest with air to relieve the tightness he is feeling.

"I... I'm sorry that I was the first one you let in—"

"Don't be ridiculous, Zhan," Yibo interrupted what he was saying. "I don't have a wife yet and I can do what I want to do in this house. And as of now, I want you to stay here. And since it's only a two-hour drive from us, I might always be here. I could even spend the night here once in a while so the neighbors won't talk about you."

He faced again. "T-thank you, Ge..."

Yibo's face darkened. "Don't thank me. It's my obligation. Later, your nanny will come to accompany you-"

"Nana!" Zhan exclaimed with wide eyes.

"You need someone to be with you. And I can't think of anyone who can be trusted with you but your nanny. And your mommy and daddy will be happy that Nana will be with you."

"Ge, I can do this alone," Zhan's voice panicked. "I'm strong and I'm not sick. Forget Nana. It can't be—"

" need someone to be with you," Yibo continued what he was saying. Obviously holding back anger. "In your condition, I will not allow you to be here alone."

"Oh, god, Nana doesn't need to know what's going on! She won't forgive you. She'll tell Mommy and Daddy no matter what you say!" Zhan was really panicking.

Yibo took a deep breath. He reached over and grabbed Zhan's shoulders and brought him to his chest. "Trust me, Zhan," Yibo begged. "I won't tell her I'm the father of the one you're carrying if that will make you at peace. That I'm here because I'm helping you."

"Oh," Zhan said sadly.

If before he and Yibo were the only ones who knew about his problem, now there are three of them. He feels like he is Yibo's mistress in what is happening. The only difference is that Yibo is not married and they are not together.

How did his previously quiet life suddenly become this chaotic?

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