Chapter Thirteen

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"Mommy," Zhan immediately hugged his mother when she went out of his father's room in the hospital.

Yizuan's face was double shocked when she saw him. Why he was there and why he was in that condition.

"Z-Zhan..." his mother's eyes moved around her face and his stomach.

"I'm sorry, Mommy... I'm so sorry," Zhan held back his sobs. All he's been doing these past few days is crying. "I don't want you and Daddy to be surprised... I don't want to upset you."

"Did you... marry in your workplace?" Ziyuan asked still confused. Zhan shook his head. Can't look at his mother. "That's the reason why I left, Mom. I-I can't introduce the father of my future child to you. Forgive me, Mom. You and Daddy." Yizuan sat him down on the hospital bench. For a few moments, his mother is silent.

"You should have trusted us, Zhan. I would indeed be angry, especially your Daddy..." she shook her head.

"Yibo and Yungchin know this but—" Yizuan moaned, once again at a loss for words. She still can't believe it. "I don't know what to say. Where did I and your Dad go wrong, son?" Her voice was full of bitterness that made Zhan's conscience even worse.

"All our lives were spent watching you... caring for you. Instilled in your mind the importance of morals, of... oh!"

"Mom, I'm sorry," Zhan sobbed. "And I just want to catch a glimpse of Daddy that's why I'm here."

Yizuan stood up dejectedly and walked towards the door.

"Your Daddy is inside. Sleeping..."

Zhan peeked nervously. His father is in bed. There is a serum post but it is empty and not attached anymore.

"Daddy..." Zhan choked the word. He watched his father for a while and then we went straight. "I'm leaving, Mom."

"What am I going to tell your Dad, Zhan?"

"It might be bad for him to know, Mommy," his chest tightened even more, and his mind became confused. One mistake and it seemed like a domino that all gave way. "How is he?"

"There's been a lot of work this past week at the office. He's probably not feeling well so his breathing is tight. But it was a mild attack. There's no cause for alarm, he's all right. Get some rest and be careful with what you eat."

He hugged his mother again before he left.

They were about to leave the hospital gate when they met Yibo's incoming car. Yibo immediately braked and opened the car window.

"Why are you here?" Yibo asked in surprise. " Did Aunt Yizuan and Uncle Fengmian see you like that?"

"It's just Mommy," Zhan looked at Yibo. "Why didn't you tell me Daddy was hospitalized?" he accused.

Yibo opened the passenger seat. "Get in. You too, Nana." They were on the way back to Qinghe when Zhan asked again. "Why didn't you even tell me when Daddy was hospitalized?"

Yibo took a deep breath. "I don't want to worry you. It will be bad for your condition. It wasn't fatal and he was declared safe."

"You should have told me," Zhan insisted in an angry tone.

"I would have but not this soon," Yibo growled back. "I want to see Uncle Fengmian out of the hospital before I tell you. Besides, I didn't even think you'd show up."

"You did not think about it because you have nothing in your mind but Cheng Xiao!" Zhan knows it was so unfair, but he couldn't help himself. His mind is in a mess. "It was my father who got a heart attacked and naturally I should be worried."

Yibo let out a long breath. Perhaps to prevent himself from saying anything that wanted to escape from his mouth and just remained silent. They didn't talk until they got home. Zhan didn't wait for Yibo to support him in getting off and stormed into the house. Straight to his room. He intended to lock the door but Yibo was behind him and stopped the door.

"You are acting like a child, Xiao Zhan," Yibo said, taking him by the arm and leading him to sit on the bed. "If you're mad at me, don't empathize with the child. The baby will be affected by the mother's emotions."

"What do you care about me!" Zhan stood up and opened the door to the verandah and went out.

Yibo watched him for a long time before approaching. Yibo held his shoulders and leaned him against his chest. And if he wasn't mistaken, he felt Yibo's lips on top of his head. It was so light that it was as if the wind just passed through his hair.

"It's my fault, it's a fault. And I'm sorry," Yibo said gently. "I was worried about you, so I hid. It's dark and foggy. You might catch a cold. Let's get inside, Zhan."

"Ge," Zhan said softly, the corners of his eyes heating up again. "Don't act like a concerned and loving husband. Don't pamper me this way, please, I might not be able to handle it once you're gone..."

He felt Yibo's chin on his shoulder and Yibo's arms wrap around him. Zhan closed his eyes while absorbing the heat from Yibo's body.

"I like what I do, Zhan. If you're having a hard time, I have a harder time." Yibo could feel Zhan's holding back sobs. "And please, don't cry. You're making me suffer even more."

Zhan wiped the tears with the back of his palm. "I'm getting maudlin these days. Maybe it's because of my pregnancy. I didn't mean to yell at you. I found out what happened to Daddy, and I made Mommy upset."

"Hush," Yibo hugged him tighter from behind. "If there's one consolation it's that your mommy already knows. Things will turn out right soon. I'm thinking carefully about how."

"Can I ask a favor?" Asked Zhan, Yibo did not answer but Yibo faced him, his eyes asking questions. "I-I hope this is your last visit to me, please," Zhan said in a strained voice.

"You know I can't," Yibo replied with furrowed brows.

"For me, Ge. Please for me. I don't want to get used to you always being there. You're getting married and it's not good—"

"I don't understand you," Yibo interrupted what he was saying. "I gave in to everything you wanted and decided because I wanted to give you a chance to think. If Cheng Xiao is your problem, I can talk to her. I'm just looking for an opportunity to break up with her. I don't want to abandon my responsibility to you. Now I'm asking you again, will you marry me?"

Despite everything, he felt happy that Yibo insisted on marrying him. But it was only for a moment because he was only deceiving himself. Yibo marries him even though he is preparing for his wedding to Cheng Xiao, he'll marry him just out of responsibility.

How could he be so foolish for refusing Yibo? Zhan wanted to laugh hysterically. What is the line of a revival song? ...but I can never say I care, I know it won't be smart. Somebody owns your heart. It can never be mine.

Zhan dared to meet Yibo's eyes. "No, Yibo. No."

Yibo slowly let go of him and it was like losing his own breath slowly. Zhan felt as if his life was slowly slipping away from him and at any moment he would fall to the floor.

"Then I give up," Yibo almost whispered the words in anger. And then pain crossed his eyes. "I am offering you the best compliment I can give and that is my name. But you refuse!" Yibo stared at him for a moment before turning away. A few moments later, he heard Yibo's car leaving.

He leaned against the wall. He filled his chest to relieve. He didn't want to cry anymore. "Goodbye, friend..."

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