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"Hyung I'm bored~" Jisung whined as he sat in Chan's studio, watching as the older worked.

"Do something" the elder said not looking up from his monitor.

"Like whatttt" the quokka boy whined

"I don't know. Go live, play games, write songs, just do something else. I'm trying to work. Please~" Chan pleaded as he turned to face Jisung.

"Okay I will. Sorry for being annoying. Bye bye" they bid goodbyes and Jisung walked back to their dorm

He went to his room but was still bored so, he decided to make a secret Instagram account. Just to find out what stays are up to, maybe even find some new world tour locations..

He made an Instagram account named cheesecak3.4life

He was tired so he went to bed.


The next morning he woke up and checked his phone. He saw an Instagram notification.

only4hyunjinnie wants to follow you

"Hyunjinnie..?" Jisung thought to himself. "That's probably a stay, I will follow them back :)"

He did so and went to text the unknown person.

private messages
only4hyunjinnie || cheesecak3.4life


Uhm hi...?
Not to sound rude but who
are you and why are you
texting me?

Oh, you sent me a follow
request and I saw your
Do you by any chance listen
to the K-pop group Stray Kids?

Yeah I do actually
Do you also listen to them? :)

Yea who's your favourite?
Mine is probably Jisung

Oh and I'm Kylo by the way

Peter :)

Well Peter,
I'm sorry but I actually have
to go to school...
It was nice talking to you
Bye bye

Have fun

In school?🙄 Never.



only4hyunjinnie went offline

His online baby boy || Han JisungUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum