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Jimin is furious, waddling towards the well familiar studio with ragged breathing. He knocks the door once before pulling it open to walk inside straight. He stands there dark yet comforting place of his, fisting his hands in his sides. " Is that about me? about us?" with heavy breathing he asks. Yoongi does turns yet, he expected this would happen but didn't know would be now. He stands there straight and still gulps. He isn't looking at jimin, how can he. "huh?" a questioning voice comes out of his mouth. "The song? was that about us?" Angrily growls.

Yoongi gulps before turning, he knows what is waiting for him. After all this isn't new to him. He turns but still not looking at the younger. "Yeah" more like a whisper says looking down. Few seconds later The door loudly slams shut. yoongi raises his head to find no one there. Huh! This isn't how it was supposed to go he thinks. Jimin was supposed to yell at him until yoongi breaks down again. Jimin was supposed to question him until yoongi's heart breaks again. This is how he imagined it all along. He's surprised now.

Yoongi locks his studio and rushes out to catch the younger. But Jimin isn't there, he looks form him in the dance studio when he doesn't find him he reaches to their shared apartment where the members live.

He knocks the door before entering "jimin?" Hoseok looks up at him "Hyung, Jimin didn't come here. He must be still in the studio practising." Yoongi looks at him wearily. With an okay he leaves. Yoongi stands in the balcony taking long breathes, running his hand in hair he sighs looking at the sides. There, sitting in one of the chairs near pool, Jimin. He finds him and quickly moves to get him.

Am I a fool? Am I a fool?

That still wants you

Knowing all well that you don't.

What was it? what was it?

That made you not love me the way I did.

I wanna know I wanna know

Was I a mistake or a regret,

That You thought you'd change.

Did it made you cry like it did to me?

Did it haunted your nights like it did mine?

Do you crave me like I crave you?

Do you even love me like I do?

Were you just pretending like it bothered?

When all you wished was nothing but the distance.

Am I a fool? Am I a fool?

Who still loves you

When you clearly don't.

As he gets there he's breathing heavily "Jimin?" The younger freezes as he hears. Yoongi moves to stand beside him with a little distance between them. He doesn't dares to get more close. He gulps before calling again "Jimin?" Jimin turns at him sharply with red rimmed eyes. Anger ragging in his face he has his hands fisted tightly in his lap and clenching his jaw. "Why?" Jimin yells. Yoongi can only look at him with no idea what's coming.

"Why Hyung? If being with me was torturing you, suffocating you to such extent where you terribly wanted to end it, why did you even chosed to be with me in the first place?" Jimin pushes yoongi away lightly but strong enough to make yoongi stumble a bit back before shouting. " Did I ever made you happy Hyung? I know I wasn't the perfect partner but did I never made you feel worth it? Was I that awful Hyung? That terrible that you made a song on how bad I made you feel? When you never made a song about us while we were still together despite me begging you. Did I pushed you to such extent Hyung? Was I that horrible?" Jimin breathes heavily before speaking again "did I ever made you feel loved Hyung?" He asks in a low voice. With that jimin leaves the place before yoongi says something.

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