Chapter 29

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A few days later Zoe is dressed in black adidas leggings, a black sweatshirt, black converse high-tops, her usual makeup and jewellery and her hair straight, she was putting stuff inside her locker before she felt familiar arms snake around her waist, she leans back against him with a soft smile on her lips as he leans his chin on her shoulder. Ever since the Mikaelson's showed up at the school and have taken an interest in Zoe, Peter has been very protective, he's barley left the girl alone, but she didn't care, if the quadrid was being honest she loved it.

"Hey sweetheart" Peter mutters, placing a kiss on her neck

"Hey" she mumbles, gently shutting her locker and turning around in her mates arms, pecking his lips, causing an immediate smile to grow on his face

"I missed you" he pouts, causing Zoe to chuckle

"Baby, you saw me less than an hour ago" she states amused, knowing that he snuck out her window not even an hour before after spending the night at her house

Peter shrugs "So..." he draws out

Zoe just laughed as the bell rung and she groans "Do we have to go?"

The Hale wolf opens his mouth to reply but before he can Laura and Camden walk up to them "Unfortunately" they say in sync, all four of them share annoyed looks before walking to class

"Ahh, Mr Hale, Miss Toretto, Miss Hale, Mr Lahey, glad all of you could join us today" the teacher says

"Not like we had much of a choice" Zoe says giving him a fake smile

"Take your seats please" he says after a pause

The four share looks before Zoe and Peter sit together with Laura and Camden in front of them, Peter hand went to her thigh as the teacher starts talking, although he group of four weren't listening.

"Hey Cam" Zoe says although quietly so she doesn't get caught

Camden and Laura turn around as them as well as Peter look at the Toretto girl "Yeah?"

"What do you think about this?" she asks turning her sketch towards him, showing him idea's about the car they're working on as she promised that she would teach him to drive but he needed to know how to work on a car, so she's been teaching him how to fix cars and they're working on a Pontiac Firebird GTA Turbo Trans AM "It can be whatever colour you want"

Camden's eyes widen in awe seeing the car she drew with flames going up the sides of the doors and on the hood "Wow..." he breaths out, Laura and Peter nodding in agreement "I love it" he states, he carefully takes the book she was sketching in all of them so engaged in their conversation they haven't noticed Kol, Davina, Rebekah and Hope listening to them "what about black, with orange flames?" he asks glancing at Zoe who nods

"We can do different shades of orange too, to make it look more realistic" she suggest, Camden nods in agreement as they continue the conversation on the car, with Peter and Laura adding ideas and suggestions

Kol and Davina we're in awe of their daughter and her skills, sure they had seen her memories and knew that she was talented but seeing her like this they felt a sense of pride they have never felt before.

"She's amazing" Hope breaths out in amazement and wonder "I wonder if she'll teach me how to drive like that"

Rebekah was staring at her youngest niece with love and pride shining in her eyes, with a smile on her face.

Later that night after school was finished Zoe and Peter decided to go on a drive, with the quadrid driving of course, the two were talking, singing and laughing. When Peter was talking Zoe was looking at him not at the road which he notices

"Shouldn't you be looking at the road?" he raises an eyebrow although there was a soft smile on his face

"You think we're gonna crash?" she asks back with a mischievous glint in her eyes

Peter shrugs "Haven't decided yet" he teases

The Toretto girl chuckles in amusement but stares into the blue eyes she loves so much, the eyes that offer her comfort and safety and shine so brightly with love, as she shifts gears speeding up, swiftly dodging in and out of cars that we're in her way, speeding up some more before stopping at a red light, neither noticing the Mikaelson's in the car next to them.

Hearing the car the family of 7 look over, as Marcel and Freya we're at home, seeing Zoe staring at Peter and him staring back both with smiles on their faces, Hayley, Klaus, Kol, Hope, Elijah and Rebekah decide to listen to their conversation.

"You're crazy" Peter shakes his head, never once losing his smile

Zoe laughs at that, nodding in agreement "Yeah, but you love that about me"

"True" the Hale boy nods in agreement before pausing and looking at his girlfriend "our kids are going to take after you aren't they?"

"Probably" the Toretto shrugs before a smirk appears on her face "our kids huh?" she asks after a moment of silence

"Mhm, if you want them" he states smiling at her, reaching over and stroking her cheek

"Yeah, one day" Zoe says, loving the idea of them having kids

"One day" Peter agrees, neither knowing how soon they would one day would come around

Hope squeals in delight "Aww they are so cute" she states earning nods of agreement from the girls in the car while the boys just grumble about how she shouldn't have a boyfriend and she was too young.

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now