Chapter 3

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The Mikaelson's look around at themselves seeing and they are now outside and when they look they see Jack cooking at the grill, Dom, Vince and Jakob playing basketball with Zoe and Mia making the salad.

Dom picks up his youngest sister as she throws the ball towards the net and scores.

"Yes!" Zoe shouts in happiness that she actually scores which causes her older brothers and honorary brother to chuckles as the girl but can't help but be proud of the young girl

"Guys foods ready" Jack calls out which causes all the kids to run to the table ready for their Sunday barbeque.

The family full of supernatural's watch as in the Toretto back yard sat the whole family at the table as food, drinks, smiles, laughs and most of all love was passed around. They smile at the memory the young Toretto-Mikaelson has of her family.

Kol can't help but feel thankful that his little witch grew up in an environment where she is loved for her and the people she knows as her family support her no matter that she is different from them.

Now 3 year old Zoe Toretto was arguing with Dom and Vince on what they want to watch over the TV, Zoe wanting to watch Tom and Jerry and the boys wanting to watch Starsky and Hutch.

"No we are watching Starsky and Hutch" Dom exclaims to his stubborn sister

"No were watching Tom and Jerry" Zoe shouts getting more annoyed and angry by the minute

Jack, Mia and Jakob hearing the argument come into the room. Seeing the two teenagers and toddler arguing the other three Toretto's share a look knowing how stubborn all three of them can be.

They look back at the scene in front of them when they hear growling and the two teenage boys breathing out "Oh my god" in sync. When they follow the shocked looks the two boys have they see Zoe with glowing yellow eyes, claws and canines which shock's the other three Toretto's.

The Mikaelson's, Gerard vampire, Claire witch and Marshall hybrid was confused as to how the girl changed without killing someone.

"This is the first dream I had" Hope explains to her family

"Do you know how she was able to shift without killing someone?" Elijah questions

"She isn't the same type of wolf as me and dad, that's all I know" Hope tells her family then something comes to mind of a dream she had a couple years ago "oh and when she does kill someone her eyes turn blue, from what i've seen so far she doesn't fully shift into a wolf, just half shifts"

"So she can't become full wolf but still has the eyes, fangs and claws?" Marcel questions

"Yeah" Hope states

"When does she kill someone?" Davina questions worried wanting to be there for her daughter

Hope hesitates knowing when she got her blue eyes will be shown as it is an important memory for the Toretto-Mikaelson girl "When she was 15" the tribrid says shortly not wanting to explain remembering the pain her cousins first kill caused the girl

"What happened?" Kol questions worriedly seeing his niece's expression

"It will be shown" Hope states hoping her family will drop it which they hesitantly do when they see the look on the 22 year olds face.

"Daddy" Zoe speaks although it's muffled because of her fangs "what's wrong with me?" the were-coyote tribrid questions scared "my mouth hurts" she cries

Jack without second thought goes to comfort his youngest "It's okay baby, everything is going to be okay I promise, just take deeps breaths can you do that for me baby?" seeing the newly discovered were-coyote nod and do as he asks he smiles "that's it baby, in and out, there that's good"

Slowly Zoe shits back to normal while her siblings and brother in anything but blood watch in amazement at the small child's newly found ability's.

"Pops, what am I?" The Toretto girl asks confused, scared and worried

"Special princess, I don't have the answers to know what you are but one thing I do know is that you, my sweet girl are special and very loved by our family" Jack coos his youngest

Zoe looks at her older siblings for reassuranceseeing the three older boys and older girl nod causes her to relax knowing thatno matter what she has her family and that's the only thing the young girlscares about.

Authors note:

Short chapter this time, sorry guys. The next chapter will be out soon.

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin