Chapter 17

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The next day Zoe walks into the school dressed in black ripped jeans, white knitted off the shoulder cropped jumper, black heels and her usual jewellery, with her hair straight and down and mascara and lip gloss, Laura immediately starts walking next to her

"Hey" Laura exclaims with smile

Zoe groans "How can you be so smiley it's too early" the Toretto girl states which causes the Hale girl to laugh amused as they reach Zoe's locker but before she can respond Peter and Camden join them

"Hey cool chain" Camden points out but the three watch the girls whole demeanour change to one of guilt and sadness "oh sorry-" he starts only to be cut off

"It's fine and thanks" Zoe says smiling softly playing with the chain

"Wanna talk about it? We've got a free period" Laura asks with a soft smile

Zoe raises an eyebrow towards the three "Do you really have a free period or are you just skipping?" she asks her only response being three grins in return which causes her to chuckle "Sure let's go, I ain't doing this here" she says looking at the school hallways that's when the other three teenagers know this is serious, so they nod all walking outside Zoe slinging her arm around Laura's shoulder in the process and they sit under the bleachers to have some privacy and not get caught by teachers

"When I was 14 I got my first boyfriend" Zoe starts and Peter couldn't help but feel Jealousy brew in his stomach but he just brushes it off "We was together until we was 15..." she trails off

"What happened?" Laura asks softly

"Hum some people my family have had a problem with since a business deal went sour, the leader Johnny and his second hand who was also his cousin Lance speed down the street on motorbikes, they um pulled out SMG's and shot hitting my boyfriend Leon and best friend Jesse, Jesse died instantly but Leon didn't he was in pain, bleeding out in my arms and healing spells weren't working the damage was too severe so I stuck my claws in his chest and killed him" she tells the other three teenagers, before she flashes her eyes and they go blue, not noticing the Hale boys eyes flashing with them "it's how I got these" she states

The were-coyote tribrid was relieved when they didn't look at her like she was a monster just with understanding and a bit of pity which she hated. Before she had time to react Laura launched herself at Zoe giving her a big hug, the boys try not to laugh at Zoe's wide eyed and awkward look

"Erm..." she trails of awkwardly patting the Hale wolfs back

Laura pulls back "Wanna skip the rest of the day?" she asks "I wanna know more about you, not just the bad stuff" she states

Zoe shrugs and nods "Sure we can go to my house" she states standing up and grabbing her bag while the other three nod

"What about your parents?" Peter questions curiously

"Never had a mom, Dad died when I was 6" she explains briefly

"I would say sorry but I feel like you would beat the crap out of me so i'm not gonna say anything" the Hale boy states causing the other 3 to laugh which he soon joins in doing

"Question" Camden states which causes the Toretto girl to nod as they're all walking "what do you mean you never had a mom?" he asks curiously and cautious

"I was adopted, never knew my biological family but my bio mom has been trying to kill me my whole life and my sibling mom took off after she had my older sister Mia so I just never had a mom" she shrugs not caring at all because in her eyes she has a family who love and supports her and never treats her differently because she was different

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu