Chapter 6

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One year later...

Jack Toretto was shown racing down the tracks of their local race tracks owned by a man named Buddy. Just in front of him a car hits another's bumper which causes the car to spin with Jack just about missing hitting the vehicle but he continues on with the race eventually pulling off to the side where 3 out of 4 of his kids are there to support him, he pulls his helmet off while a man named Hubbord leans into the window to speak to Jack

The family of supernatural's gulp realising what this is. This is Jack Toretto's death. And although they never meet the man in person they're not sure they want to say goodbye to the man.

"How bad is it?" Kol questions his niece just above a whisper

"Bad" Hope replies with a gulp

"Jack, you realise you got this in the bag right? Seasons wrapped up man, doesn't matter where you place!" he states reassuring the man

"Telling ya I got intermittent mist last two left" he states

"On it" he tells Jack before shouting out "get those plug wires"

"Jakob" the Toretto father gains his sons attention "now" he demands which earns a nod from his youngest son who is now 15

Zoe and Dominic Toretto go to their father's window to inform him of what information they managed to gather

"Hey pop" Dom states

"Tell me what you see guys" the man encourages his eldest and youngest children while his youngest middle child works under his hood

"Got an oil spill going into turn two" Zoe starts

"Valves driving safe" Dom continues on for his baby sister "Corbin's got a sponsor in the stands so he's pushing it" he carries on

Zoe hesitates before finally saying "We got a real problem with car 23"

"Linder" Jack states in realisation

Kenny Linder shouts in the background "Gonna whip your ass Toretto!"

Someone else says "Calm down pretty boy"

Dom obviously annoyed with the comments pipes in "That's right yeah you, want to tell you Jarvis gonna get somebody hurt"

"Hey" Jack exclaims to catch Dom's attention seeing his eldest look at him he continues "leave it, he's just pissed I got that spot in the bush series next season not him, life's got no shortage of guys like Kenny Linder" he finishes

"You're good" Hubbord exclaims

Dom starts to fix his father's belt as Jack talks "It's not about being the stronger man Dom it's about being the bigger one"

"You got this daddy" Zoe exclaims as she leans into the window leaving a kiss on her father's cheek "I love you" she says with the biggest, proudest smile on her face

Jack smiles at his youngest "I love you too princess" he ruffles the girl's hair which causes her to giggle before she walks over to Jakob

Jack has a feeling something is going to go wrong and he needs to make sure his baby is looked after, sure he wants all his kids to be but they're older Dom being 17, Jakob 15 and Mia 13 although he will leave them all money, they can get jobs if needed, but his youngest is only 6 she can't do stuff like that yet so he needs to make sure she has people buy her side no matter what

"Hey" Jack says to Dom

Upon seeing the serious look on his father's face Dom grows concerned "Yeah pops?" he questions

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon