╠14╣ [CURTIS]

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Was azura planning on bathing? No ! She was wandering near the woods to find a burrow , a snake burrow !

She doesn't remember the exact location where Bai QingQing found Curtis's skin but she was sure that it was near a water area, and this pond was the only water source in the village according to Parker .

Walking a little further hoping she finds something that looks red , that looks like snake skin !

She keeps walking until she finds a trail of blood . She wondered what it was , hoping it let to a burrow , the trail of blood was pretty old , seemed like someone hunted a small animal last night.

She followed the trail but found nothing, semes like luck wasn't on her side , she angrily picky up a rock and throws it nowhere in particular but while doing so ,she ends up tripping on air , again .

Such things never ended well for her , right now she was rolling down the meadow until she finally saw something thst resembled a burrow , and then what ! She fell into the burrow of course. She may or may not have screamed as she fell from the meadow , it didn't matter if her mates did find her .

She ended up injuring her leg , she cursed herself for being so clumpsy and useless .

But her heard dropped to her stomach the moment she heard someone behind her hiss .

" who are you ? "

A threatening voice said as some footsteps approached azura .

" i- who are you? "
A snake of course but azura wanted to hear it from him .

She didn't know how did she get so brave , maybe it was beacuase of the fact that she knew at least something about the Novel and the fourth wall seemed to be working well for her even in this situation,  she felt as if she was in front of a character she knew . It felt so unreal and real at the same time .

" you're in my burrow and you're asking me about who I am ! The audacity !"
The voice said sarcastically.

" fine , I'm azura and I ended up tripping on air so I fell in here "
Those words came out naturally . True .

" who are you ? "
She asked as she couldn't see anyone in the dark , the cave was darker than her mind, she could hardly even see her own hand. The only source of light was the light coming form the opening of the burrow and she decided to stick her ass there .

" I'm Curtis! " He said as he finally showed himself, he was in his human form and was wearing clothes , thankfully.

" oh , hi as I said, I'm azura and I ended up coming here without any intention of possible harm for you that's for sure "
Azura said nervously. It was clear that she didn't really have a plan and she hated herself for that . What should she do ? Ask him to be her male ? Asher was definitely going to call her out for red color obsession now but he is a great wingman also ahser and others can handle this if things go downhill  . But , Curtis looks so fine ~

" you look beautiful "
She said . Out . Of . No . Where.

Curtis gave her a wtf look .

" I'm supposed to be saying that to you !"
He said .

" you think I'm pretty ? "
Azura said with her eyes glowing .

" umm because you are ...."
He was confused right now . A pretty female suddenly falls into his burrow and calls him pretty .

" so....... "
Azura said contemplating whether or not she asks him out right now or later after she gets approval of her other mates .

" AZURA !!! "
She heard a familiar voice yell !

" I'm guessing that he's your male ? "
Curtis said .

Azura said.

" AH OK "
his ears were damn sharp .

*both of you are still yelling!*
Curtis shook his head .

" umm so would you like to be my male ! "
Azura said out of the blue that caused Curtis to stop his tracks and stare at her , the face of a totally shocked and sleep derpeived person and the reason was standing in front of him .

Asher had somehow managed to get inside the burrow as he followed the direction of azura's voice .

When he finally stood beside azura , his eyes widened to find her standing there with a snake beastman , a feral . He just looked at her in disbelief.

" Darling, just because he's red ? "
He sighed .

" nope , he's strong too ! "
Azura pointed to the four marks that resisted on Curtis's neck .

" I see . But how did you end up here instead of bathing? "
Asher raised a brow . Azura hoped that he wasn't pissed .

" umm butterfly! I saw a butterfly "
Azura nervously said avoiding Asher's gaze .

" you and your butterfly stories . I swear I'm never letting you go out ever again and about him ..."
Asher said as he looked at Curtis from top to bottom .

Red color, check . Height , check . Muscular body, check . Strong, check . The only thing that bothered Asher was that the snake guy was a feral .

" unm , so snake guy , would you like to be her mate ? "
Asher questioned straightforwardly. He literally woke up from the middle of his sweet beauty sleep , he even sacrificed his sleep so that Noah and winston can sleep more . His answer better be to Asher's liking or he was going to blow the burrow up.  Also,  he was a bit displeased about this whole thing too .

" is your female too sheltered or you hate her so much that you allow her to have a fearl as a mate ? "
Curtis said . Asher's eyebrow twitches at those words and he tries to hold his anger back . He didn't want to have an argument right now , fearls in particular were naturally hated by everyone ,even if asher didn't hate him,  his presence sure was infuriating .

" I love her , we all love her , but if she likes you , we don't have a say "
Asher said rolling his eyes .

" though I might interfere if you plan on doing something funny and lastly , my mate is a smart female so I trust her ."
Asher shot him a glare .

" why would you want me ? I'm a feral. "
Curtis turned towards azura who was listening to their words and she took a deep breath before she replies .

" because I really like you and I don't know either , the fact that you think that you don't deserve to have a female just because of that feral tag on you really angers me . Do you not want to be my male ? "
Azura said as she looked at Curtis.

" but-"

" let me complete, if you think that I'm going to throw you away later then you're wrong , you're stuck with me forever and all my mates will definitely welcome you . The only thing you can't do is fight with my males for me or violate me in any way "
Azura made herself clear .

Curtis thought for a moment and then looked at Asher and then at Azura. He knew that Asher was strong enough to beat the shit out of him if he hurt azura in any way and he could also tell her other mates were strong .

" fine, I agree . "

Still he had a lot of trust issues , was the female actually saying the truth? Either way , he did like her and he hoped he wasn't getting played.
He hoped that she wasn't going to play any type of game with him .

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