Chapter 16 : Sarutobi Hiruzen

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Hiruzen Sarutobi let out an inward sigh.

Upon discovering that Gold List was communicating with people across the world and the Pure Land, he had a feeling that things could not remain hidden.

The central issue was Naruto, as it involved the legendary Fourth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, Minato Namikaze.

They had claimed that concealing Naruto's true identity was due to the fact that Minato Namikaze had amassed numerous enemies, and they feared those enemies might seek revenge on Naruto.

But really, in the world of shinobi, who didn't have their share of adversaries and foes?

If someone genuinely wished to target the descendants of the Fourth Hokage, protected under the shelter of Konoha, then the village itself needn't exist.

What about Third Hokage's own grandson, Konohamaru? Wasn't he living unharmed?

The argument of safeguarding a Jinchuriki, as Mitokado Homura had put forth, was pure nonsense.

Except for Naruto himself, who within the entirety of Konoha was unaware that he was the vessel of the Nine-Tails?

In private, they might have tried to deceive Minato and Kushina with such explanations, but on the world stage, where shinobi from all corners gathered, this tale was just a face-saving measure, an attempt to save face only to have it smacked.

With the political acumen of Hiruzen Sarutobi, how could he not have foreseen this?

From the very start, he had not intended to provide justification for this truth.

Originally, he had hoped that this matter would gradually come to light, perhaps even finding a way to manipulate Danzo into shouldering the blame willingly.

But the time for that wasn't now.

Thankfully, the Golden List had speech restrictions. There weren't many voices from Konoha that could be heard. He trusted that the situation was under control.

"This matter falls on me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to hear what Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, his two advisors, had to say.

But he couldn't allow them to continue anymore, so he hastened to halt their speech.

Rising from his seat, he approached Naruto, positioning himself within Gold List's live broadcast frame.

"Firstly, I must offer my apologies to Kushina and Minato."

With a deep bow, Sarutobi Hiruzen extended his regrets to the camera.

"Kushina, listen to what the Third Hokage has to say," Namikaze Minato comforted Kushina within the sealed space.

"Humph!" Kushina let out a cold snort, though she granted Namikaze Minato a semblance of respect.

"The blame for this incident rests on my shoulders."

Hiruzen Sarutobi removed his Hokage hat, letting out a sigh. "The Nine-Tails Uprising inflicted immense devastation upon Konoha. Countless shinobi lost their lives, including the Fourth Hokage, who sacrificed himself."

"The entire village was steeped in sorrow."

"Before the Minato embarked on that battle, only the village's Anbu operatives were privy to the secret of Jinchuriki."

"However, at that crucial moment, Naruto was chosen by you, Minato, as the new Jinchuriki. A multitude of individuals were present, and despite the ban I imposed on spreading this knowledge, anxiety grew among civilians."

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