{Chapter 2} A normal day? yes, A normal night? no...

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ItzSolo_Author - chapter 2 has been published, I didn't expect this chapter to be long, anyways enjoy ❤️
It's lunch time now, Del is sitting alone on a table with a mushroom stew in front of her, almost everyone is inside the cafeteria, she's reading a novel about a Nature Elf while eating her meal slowly. She looks up for a bit to rest her eyes from the letters, there in the distance, she sees the 4 rich kids looking for somewhere to sit but they are having a hard time because everything is full. She felt bad for them even though she tried not to. There are over 7 chairs available on her table

"!HEY!" she shouted for a bit hoping to get their attention so they can finally sit and have their lunch

They saw her then sighs in relief then they started walking up to her direction

She comes back to read the novel because she expects for them to sit on the chairs far from where she's sitting so she's just enjoying her business. But...

"Hey classmate, you're the only one who never approaches us so we're happy you did now" as soon as those words came and so did a physical thouch on her head that pats her twice

She looks up and saw the 'Gemstones' sitting each of her sides, Caleb and Katherine are sitting on the chairs in the middle while Ann and Jake are sitting right beside her. And Jake's the one patting her head

'Oh boy...' she frozed

Katherine pulls Jake away from Del "Jake, my mommy said it's disrespectful to touch someone without their permission" she scolds Jake as she notices Del's frozen expression

"Oh come on! I just wanna thank her for letting us sit next to her, you know the others won't do that!" Jake said before he pouted, he was overjoyed that he forgot manners, he's really happy that someone is willing to let them sit next to them

"Manners are still important Jake" Caleb said then ate a piece of meat(pork), he then glanced at Del who regained her normal self then took a sip from her mushroom soup while reading the novel

Caleb always finds Del as someone interesting, he keeps seeing her everyday, she always enters the classroom early and he always sees her with Miss.Clair before coming in the classroom, he finds it a bit funny that Del keeps avoiding society because he always sees her alone and if she's with Miss.Clair, she seems to be trying to avoid her but she still talks if she needs to, but if she doesn't then she won't

"Hello, you're Del right?" Ann decides to talk to her

Del just nodded and just focuses on her book then took a sip from the mushroom stew

"You can talk to us you know, we don't eat people" Jake joked then Katherine pulled his hair "!OW!"

Del keeps hearing the 4 bickering 'Katherine, mom of the group I see...'

"That book seems interesting, what's the name of the book?" Ann asks Del, she didn't even take her eyes off of Del

"Darkside of Nature" she looks up from her book then looks at Ann "if you want this book, there is a library beside our school then you can find it in the novel shelves" Del notices Ann's questioning expression so she just tell her where she found the novel

Ann was about to speak but Caleb beat her to it "Thank you, I need that information" Caleb thanked Del

"!!HEY!! She wasn't talking to you!" Ann pouted in annoyance

"Don't fight in front of the food!" Katherine stopped the two

Jake went closer to Del then puts his hand in front of her "Let's be friend Del, come on shake hands with me"

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