Chapter # 5

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A/N : This chapter starts where we left off.


ACT 3 ; The Nanase Stategy :

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when you are able to attack, you must seem unable; When using your forces, seem inactive; When you are near, make it appear that you are far away; When far away, make it appear that you are near."

This sequence of events chronologically converges of the 5th day of the Island Exam. When Takuya meets up with Kushida and confesses in advance that he was coerced into revealing information about her past to Tsubaki, Osamu and Hosen. As mentioned earlier, Takuya manipulated the entire conversation he would have with Tsubaki on the 6th day, which implies that the event had yet to transpire at this point. He informs Kushida that despite her secret being exposed, there is still a way to at least expel one of her most formidable adverseries, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

He discloses that Nanase Tsubasa is currently with Ayanokoji and plans to ambush him at a specific date. Proposing that Kushida record the ensuing conformation, supposedly because Nanase intends to engage Ayanokoji in combat. Ayanokoji will be expelled for excessive violence by the detriment of him being a male assualting a female.

Given these verities, it's now easy to explain Takuya's true strategy.

Many people believe that Takuya's plan was to use Kushida to simply record Ayanokoji vs Nanase in hopes of getting Ayanokoji expelled and that would be intercepted by Ichika. But in reality, the true objective of Takuya's plan was to expose the secrets of the WR.

As shown through his actions in the future, the possibility of exposing Ayanokoji's past and destroying his peaceful life was never out of the question for Takuya. He even admits right after the Island Exam that simply recording Ayanokoji and hoping for him to get expelled through excessive violence wouldn't even get him expelled.

Effectively, the notion of recording the fight to get Ayanokoji expelled for excessive violence was a false narrative Takuya created. So no one would ever figure out the true objective of his plan. It was a red herring to mislead Kushida into going along with his plans, as well as Ichika, as she would later become involved in the situation. Takuya's purpose with this strategy was to create a real danger that he'd real danger that he'd let Ichika 'neutralize' to achive his actual goals.

As stated before, Takuya knows that Nanase knows about the WR & Ayanokoji. Thus, will definitely discuss the details about it to Ayanokoji during their confrontation. Even if it's just for a few seconds, or if it's ends up in a detailed conversation, anything regarding the WR is extremely classified. It's to the point that Tsukishiro & Shiba were debating killing Ichinose just because she heard a snippet of their conversation regarding Ayanokoji in Y2V4.

As the Masterpiece of the 5th Generation, Takuya knows more than any other student how classified the WR is. Therefore, any recorded information about it can evidently destroy so many established paradigms. Therefore, recording and leaking Nanase vs Ayanokoji would result in these conclusions :

1. ---- Nanase would be forced to drop out. Not only would her task as an agent sactioned by the Acting Director be fully exposed and leaked. But also because of her attempted assault on Ayanokoji. This would result in a severe blow to Class 1--D, as one of their best students would be expelled and involved in a government scandal.

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