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Winston had eagerly agreed to Azura's request, and Azura couldn't have been happier. It seemed the weight of the world had lifted from her shoulders. To add to her joy, Winston had already spoken with the trade union, letting them know that he would not be accompanying them to their destination. Presently, the trio was gathered in Asher's cave, which, surprisingly, was spacious enough to accommodate their needs comfortably.

"Finally, I can sleep!" Azura exclaimed the moment she entered the cave, practically launching herself onto the bed. She hugged the soft bedding as if it were the most precious thing in the world.

"Yes, of course you can now!" Asher replied with a warm smile as he gently tucked her in, sitting beside her. Winston joined them, the three of them forming a cozy, albeit unconventional family unit.

"Why?" he suddenly asked Asher, his brow raised. Asher chuckled, the sound lightening the atmosphere.

"Someone didn't sleep enough last night because of me. I ended up making her hurry to see you so that you wouldn't leave," Asher explained, his voice teasing as he glanced at Azura, who rolled her eyes with a playful grin. Winston nodded, fully understanding Asher's mischievous nature.

"How about you rest a little after you have your food?" Asher suggested, wanting to ensure Azura was looked after.

"Sure! I'll have lunch first," she declared, snuggling deeper under the warm animal skin that served as a blanket.

"Fine, then I'll go hunting! And you-" Asher pointed at Winston, "-take care of her!" He exited the cave with purpose, leaving a hint of a challenge in the air.

"So, Winston! Asher told me you two fought years ago-is it true?" Azura decided to break the silence, her curious nature getting the better of her.

"Yes, actually. I was really young back then and ended up picking a fight with him. And, of course, him being his cocky self, he was more than ready to throw down over some rabbit meat," Winston recounted, a sigh escaping his lips as he reminisced. Azura could easily picture Asher's boastful demeanor in that moment.

"I can totally see him doing that!" she laughed, the sound ringing through the cave cheerfully.

"He's so obvious sometimes," Winston agreed, shaking his head with a smirk.

"So, Winston, you won't mind if I take in more males, right?" Azura asked him, her expression earnest. She had made it a point to consult with all her male companions before committing to any further relationships.

"I won't, as long as they're strong enough to protect you if either of us is absent," Winston replied, seemingly in sync with Asher's protectiveness. In that surprising moment, it was nice to feel such camaraderie.

"I'm glad to hear that," Azura said genuinely, a brightness shining in her eyes.

"I'm happy that you like it," Winston said, a smile creeping across his face, but then suddenly, his expression shifted to one of irritation.

"Just a minute-I feel some bugs are bothering us," he said, smiling at Azura before getting up.

He approached the door only to find Asher standing there in all his glory, clutching three rabbits in one hand while a pile of trash lay at his feet.

"Don't worry! I've taken care of them. I'm sure they won't dare linger around here ever again!" Asher declared victoriously, giving an intimidating glare that caused his eyes to glow a fierce red. As he entered the cave, Winston glanced at the three unconscious males sprawled out on the ground outside and swiftly closed the door, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

They all gathered around the table, enjoying a quiet lunch together, when Winston dropped a suggestion that made Azura's jaw nearly hit the floor.

"I agree with you; you're a smart guy, Winston," Asher chimed in, nodding his head vigorously, clearly onboard with the idea.

"So what you're telling me is that you two would actually pick out guys for me? And if he isn't strong enough, you'll just beat him up and send him packing?" Azura asked incredulously, finally swallowing the last bite of her meat.

"Yes!" they both replied in unison, as if rehearsed.

Winston continued, "In fact, there were a bunch of guys lurking around, waiting for their chance to swoop in as soon as we leave you alone. We can't have that!"

"But honestly, aren't you being a bit too supportive? Most people want to be the only one for their partner, and here you are, plotting to set me up with someone you personally choose!" Azura was still in disbelief, unable to fathom Winston taking on a wingman role alongside Asher.

"Your safety is our top priority," Asher said, munching his food with a seriousness that belied the casual setting.

"Exactly! Don't you want strong men surrounding you?" Winston added, embracing the sentiment.

"Of course I do like strong people, but what if a genuinely kind-hearted guy happens to be a bit on the weaker side? Would you really just send him away?" Azura raised her concerns, clearly not ready to dismiss anyone based solely on brawn.

"Now that you mention it," Asher pondered, turning to Winston. "What are your thoughts?"

"We'll definitely give him a chance if he proves he's determined, but only after we've thoroughly examined his potential," Winston responded thoughtfully.

"Yes, we'll go with that!" Asher agreed, grinning widely.

"And Winston, remember to push yourself harder; I believe you can break through your awakening," Asher encouraged, as if discussing athletic training.

"But I'm already a tetra-marked beast!" Winston protested, glancing at Asher, who simply shook his head.

"That's what I thought too, but there's an even higher level. Your marks will vanish completely once you reach it," Asher explained, gesturing to his own neck where the marks used to be.

"I see," Winston mused, fascinated by the prospects of his potential.

Azura watched the two friends bantering back and forth, her heart warming at the sight. It was touching to see them getting along so well, free from any bickering, and sharing laughs.

This peaceful scene was exactly what she envisioned for her household-a home where violence was non-existent, and everything was filled with love and laughter.

As she reflected on her life, she thought about how drastically things had changed for her. She had dreamed of going to Japan, only for her plans to be derailed by a plane crash that ended her life. Surprisingly, she felt a sense of relief-after all, it wasn't like her parents spent much time with her. They were perpetually tangled in their own lives, leaving her to fend for herself and grow up alone.

It wasn't that her relationship with her family was bad; rather, she always felt like an outsider looking in.

She was constantly bombarded with expectations-to be a doctor, an artist, a chef-all at the same time. The pressure was overwhelming.

Yet, watching Winston and Asher, she couldn't help but smile. Maybe, just maybe, her life was finally taking a turn for the better, even if it was a silly one.

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