Chapter 1: Kill or Be killed part 2

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I still felt a sense of fear, even after parting ways with the others, I still had a sense of fear. The words were still burned into my mind

"Watch your backs. I might come for one of you"

Was she being serious? Was she trying to drive fear into us? Or was she trying to tell us something? Wait... if she was trying to tell us something, then what would she have to say? I guess that last question didn't make sense to me. Maybe I'm overthinking... I should get ready for the day.

*ding dong bing bong*

That must be the announcement Ed was talking about.

"Good morning students! It is officially seven thirty in the morning. Beautiful morning, am I right? Now, normally I'll leave it at that but I might've left something out during yesterday's meeting. After announcements, you are to report to the conference room unless I announce otherwise. Got it?" Monokuma announced "Good! Now get your asses out of bed and enjoy the day!"

The announcements ended after that. I sighed as I reached over, grabbed the hat off the dresser, and placed it on my head as I walked out the door. Looking out, some of the other students were coming out of the room though I did notice Shuvi as he was dragging Miku to the room.


"He said he needed help to get there but he wasn't getting up" Shuvi explained

"Ah, got it" I responded

He continued to drag Miku, I will admit though I couldn't help but watch. I did stop, I felt a glare piercing me from the back and turned to see the masked student.

"...I was watching too" was all he said before walking past me.

I felt a chill just from him walking past me but I tried to shrug it off and made my way. Something my father always told me was to always have a good watch on your back, you never know who's trying to come for it when you're looking forward. For a while, I never knew what that meant. After attending school though, I finally understood it more, and this school might just be the best example to see if that phrase helps me. Reaching the conference room, I found seara standing there, assuming she was probably waiting for me.

"There you are. Almost everyone is here, I think we're just waiting for..." She looked past me before continuing "Oh, there they are!"

I turned back, it was Lynn and Sky. Both I could tell just woke up, they looked rough.

"Morning sky, morning Lynn" Seara greeted as they came in

She received no response from them.

"They did just wake up so I wouldn't worry too much about not receiving a response" I reassured "Come on"

We both walked in, letting the door close behind us. Sure enough, same room, same people, and yet, still nowhere to sit, we had to stand.

"How come this room doesn't have any furniture yet?" Kinro asked

"Oh yeah" Some of us got startled while looking toward Monokuma "There was a delay in our delivery so we didn't get them yet"

"Oh, that's understandable!" Mitsuru responded

"Sheesh, I should get a yen every time you guys get startled" Monokuma slightly scolded

There was a second of silence.

"We're... s-s-sor-" kiara was interrupted

"Moving on! It looks like you guys have gotten yourself adjusted real quick" Monokuma noted "But I came to gather you guys already got letters from your families so"

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