-Another Eligibility Passed-

Start from the beginning

"I'm so glad it's you, Dex," she whispered, her words vibrating through me.

"I'm glad it's you too Marella. I wouldn't have it any other way." I whispered to her.

Our love, built on the foundation of destiny and choice, will forever be our most beautiful story.

Marella's POV:

I couldn't believe it when the letter arrived. The crisp white envelope bore the seal of the Eligibility Testing Authority, and my heart raced as I tore it open. I unfolded the letter, my eyes scanning the words. "Congratulations!" it read. "You have both passed your eligibility test, deemed perfectly matched, and are hereby authorized to proceed to the next stage."

After Dex came over and shared that he passed as well, we spent the rest of the day celebrating. Our joy seemed to know no bounds. It was a feeling of pure bliss, knowing that we had passed the test and were destined to be together. We took a long walk in the park, hand in hand, relishing the knowledge that our bond was beyond measure.

The weather was a warm summer evening, and the gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers as Dex, and I sat on my porch. Our hands intertwined; we couldn't help but smile as we relished the good news we had just received. We had both passed the elusive eligibility test, a testament to the compatibility of our souls. It meant we were soulmates, destined to be together.

The sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. As the colors danced across the horizon, so did our dreams of a future together. We had always believed that love had the power to conquer all, and now it seemed like the universe agreed.

"It's like a fairytale, Marella," Dex said, his voice filled with excitement. "We're meant to be together, forever." I leaned my head against his shoulder, a wave of contentment washing over me. "I've never felt this kind of magic before, Dex. It's like my heart has found its missing piece."

We sat in comfortable silence, watching as stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky. Each one seemed to symbolize a moment of happiness we had yet to discover together. This was just the beginning of our extraordinary journey.

As the night grew colder, Dex pulled me closer, warming me with the glow of his love. "Marella, promise me that no matter what happens, we'll always hold onto the joy we feel right now." Tears of joy welled in my eyes as I nodded. "I promise, Dex. Even in the face of challenges, our love will be our guiding light."

In that moment, I realized that true love wasn't just about the highs and the blissful moments. It was about facing adversity together, growing stronger with each hurdle we overcame. And I had no doubt that Dex and I were prepared for anything that came our way.

We sat there, basking in the warmth of the evening, contemplating our future. Being accepted as a match wasn't just a simple accolade; it meant that we were guaranteed a lifetime of devotion and companionship. Our hearts had found their soulmate, the missing pieces coming together to form a whole.

As the night drew closer, we began to envision the journey ahead. The anticipation of discovering new adventures together, supporting each other through life's highs, and being there to catch each other during the lows filled us with incredible excitement.

With our hands still intertwined, we stood up and walked towards the edge of the porch, gazing out at the starlit sky. In that moment, it felt like the universe itself was showering us with blessings. The sight above us was a tapestry of dreams and possibilities, twinkling stars illuminating the path that lay before us. We made a silent promise to one another, a vow to follow that path hand in hand, forever.

Hand in hand, we stepped into the night, guided by the constellation of our love. Together, we would chase sunsets, embrace the unknown, and write a love story that would withstand the test of time.

This was only the beginning—a beautiful prologue to a love story that would span a lifetime and beyond.  


*Awe! I love Darella! I guess that's the perks of shipping all Tiana, Diana, and Darella. I get to love all those amazing ships, as I am not on one side or the other. :D* 

"For a moment (noodle, noodle, apple strudel). My life has turned upside-down (some people don't, and some people doodle). For a moment (snakes, flamingos, bears, and poodles). I can't keep my feet on the ground (singing this song will improve your moodle). He's the one good thing (noodle-dee-dee, noodle-dee-dum). That's ever happened to me." (For A Moment-Wonka)

Keep Being Cool


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