Tobacco and Coffee

Start from the beginning

The light that penetrated through the high window sash fell on you, so that was the west side of the building. You had to keep your bearings as you moved, since Diego would follow the same logic as you and would be waiting for you to the south of the building, where people had no access and therefore there were fewer guards.

Stairs. You forced your numb mind to think, trying to reason out where the place you were looking for should be. If you wanted to hold someone captive, you'd probably want privacy and soundproofing. Both considerations pointed to an isolated room at the end of the corridor as the most likely place.

Reaching halfway down the corridor with the rustle of your clothes and your heavy breathing, you stopped to hear. Dead silence all around, but it was clear that that part of the building was being used.

"Where is Mister President?'' A whisper interrupted the other. ''Right now...''

"He's with that witch.''

"No, it's been a long time... he must have taken care of her.''

"Where is his location, then?''

The words sometimes sounded nonsensical, and choppy; you didn't know it was the poison that was impairing your senses.

"The president ordered Steel's injuries not to be treated...''

"So... get rid of him?''

''No... not to go so far, only... not to treat Steel's injuries. He meant nothing more than that. He just made it clear for us to take care of the girl.''

"She doesn't look stable at all, shouldn't we anesthetize her more?''

"In her current state, that would be dangerous.''

Bastards, you thought. But the thought was interrupted by a long-suffering groan from inside the same room. It was undoubtedly Lucy, and now the two men, who looked more like doctors, were standing back for you. Cutting their throats seemed like an easy task.

Both men looked morbidly like the president, except for their gray hair and beards. But otherwise they were like twins - defective, perhaps - of the same character. You tried to ignore it.

There was only one way to go from there. You followed, knife ready in hand. It was strange to walk silently down the corridor. You had seen other buildings like this, but on those occasions the tall windows were stripped of their menacing air by the blinding light of the setting sun. When you reached the door, the men were already inside the room. You stopped to listen, kneeling on the floor.

"My, oh my. She's awake.'' One of the men said with clear disdain in his voice. ''The drugs we gave her should be working... Maybe an extra dose isn't such a bad idea. We'll make you like a winter catfish... Docile. As per the president's orders.''

This was followed by a loud thud and a few shards of glass falling to the floor. Lucy Steel was trying to get away.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut and startled you, but luckily they didn't notice you. The noise inside the room didn't let the men hear when you turned the handle.

''Calm down, Lucy Steel! You mustn't do anything rash...''

Then a scream of agony interrupted him.

''Ah! Why is my husband hurt?!'' She cried and screamed more. ''He's been shot! You have to treat him right away! Please, get Stephen medical care!''

"I understand, Lucy... we're trying to help you and him. We're thinking of your welfare!"

"So, please, don't get wild...'' The other man added. "Think of the child in your belly.''

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