Figwort and... something else

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For a moment you missed the desert plains as you made your way through the potholes and rocks, but you persevered, planning to rest in a nearby town off the runner's route, hoping to sell your stuff. After a few minutes of driving, you thought again about Mountain Tim and the cursed ability he had mentioned.

Since you left Monument Valley, you haven't encountered any runners on your shortcuts or the main route, except Diego. Probably all of them followed the route recommended by the race organizers since cutting through dense forests and rough terrain was too risky. But not for you, of course. You've traveled through far worse places than this for years. The Rocky Mountains were nothing compared to the massive Patagonian ranges.

After less than fifteen minutes of travel, the landscape opened up and the mountains moved away from the road. Bright green dew fields made you relax. At that moment Cadichon whinnied aggressively and refused to pull the wagon any further. She was neither tired nor hungry. She was trying to warn something. You thought maybe it was a wild animal.

''Holy shit, Johnny, look at this! That damn woman is a witch!'' You hear Gyro's distant voice behind you, interrupted by the galloping horses. ''Hey! (Y/N), how the hell did you get here so fast?''

Johnny was distracted, looking at a map. You exasperated and looked back, barely able to contain your excitement. They were fine, that was good. Your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it a foot away, but you weren't sure if it was because of the big scare Gyro had given you. You straightened up in your wagon seat and your sudden movement ruffled your hair.

''Gyro, Johnny!'' That was the only thing you could say. Those men shook you. Cadichon stopped whinnying as soon as he heard your voice, and you saw the men slow down their horses.

''(Y/N)? Is that you?'' Johnny looked at you, aghast. ''You're fast!''

''Ah... Well...'' You desperately tried to regain your composure, searching for words in your confused head. ''I took some shortcuts so I didn't have to climb the mountains.''

''See, Johnny? I told you we should have taken shortcuts! You're not only a traitor, you're also stupid!''

''I didn't stop you from taking the shortcut, Gyro. I just don't want to risk my horse's safety!''

Gyro muttered something unintelligible that sounded like Italian. His muscular throat quivered as he swallowed angrily, but the memory of the good upbringing he received had kept him from arguing about something so stupid in front of a woman. He ignored Johnny and stared at you, you stared back.

''Your leg... How?'' You hissed as you saw his leg, once shattered. Some places on the skin were sutured, but it looked really good.

He had the same expression on his face as always. ''It's a long story, you don't need to get involved.'' His wide mouth curved upward at the corners as if he was about to break into a smile.

Then you looked at Johnny. His cheekbones were flushed from the sun and there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead. Despite the obvious fatigue, he still had the same jovial look. For a moment you wondered how old he was because you were vaguely sure you were older than he.

''(Y/N), how are you? Any news from Mountain Tim?'' Asked Johnny.

''I'm fine. Mountain Tim too. I took care of his wounds and he told me some things about those terrorists... and you guys.''

Gyro continued to stare at you. Their horses accompanied the peaceful path of Cadichon. Johnny slowly rolled the map into his hands and tucked it into the side of his saddle.

'' Maybe this question seems a little strange, but ... the ropes ... '' Your voice faltered briefly as you remembered the horrible image of the cowboy's body after the explosion. ''Mountain Tim's ropes. Can you see them too?''

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