ii. a saint fresh from sin

Start from the beginning

Draco now decided it was a great idea to mock Harry and act out what he thought happened to him. The people around her laughed at him but Estelle thought he had terrible acting, she fainted not seized. Then, Potter decided it would be a great time to enter the hall.

"Hey, Potter!" shrieked Pansy, "Potter! The Dementors are coming, Potter! Woooo!"

Estelle rolls her eyes, gets up with her bag and heads out to leave.

Draco does a double glance as she stands up, "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Class, obviously. It starts in fifteen minutes and it takes ten to get there, Cedric told me. C'mon, hurry up!"

Her patience wore thin as Draco and his friends took too long to finish their food and gather their bags.

"You still talk to that prat?" Draco asked as they started walking together. Estelle was unsure as to why he had never liked Cedric Diggory since he was a nice friend and even helped when it wasn't necessary. He's also fit but don't tell anyone I said that.

"Look who's talking. You can't let go of a rejection that happened three years ago."

He sighed angrily, "Where are we going anyway?"

"Divination, can you not read your timetable?" Estelle questioned.

"Sorry Mum," Draco groaned.

Eventually, Estelle, Draco and everyone else found their way to the spiral steps which led to Divination after she recalled the directions Cedric had given her. He was right when he said the journey to the North Tower was a long one.

Estelle and Draco ended up trailing behind a group of Gryffindor girls in the same class as they climbed the sinister set of stairs.

"Didn't you hear, someone else fainted? Nobody knows who it was, their face was covered by Loony Lovegood," the brunette said. The two girls let out a laugh at the insult.

She gripped the strap of her bag tighter as she climbed closer to the top. Estelle thanked the stars that Luna was a good friend and didn't tell a soul.

By the time the two had arrived at the top, there were only a few students there but it didn't take long for the rest of her peers to arrive just as short-breathed as one another. As she waited on the unfamiliar landing while listening to Draco's bickering, she noticed on the ceiling above her a circular trapdoor with a brass plaque on it. Harry Potter of all people seemed to have the same idea.

"'Sibyll Trelawney, Divination teacher,'" Harry read. "How're we supposed to get up there?"

On queue, the trapdoor opened and a silver ladder fell to the bottom of said boy's feet.

"After you," Estelle heard Ron Weasley say to Harry with a grin.

The rest of the class continued to climb up the ladder and Estelle was one of the last ones in.

The classroom looked like a cross between someone's attic and an old-fashioned tea shop. Small circular tables were crammed inside the classroom and surrounded by armchairs and pouffes. The lighting was crimson and dim, illuminating the room's dark corners as the curtains were shut. The atmosphere was warm, and a fire was burning under the mantelpiece, above it was a painting of a moving figure too far away to see who it may be. The shelves running around the orbicular walls were compressed with untouched feathers, burning candles with old wax dripping on their sides, tattered tarot cards, countless crystal balls each with a mysterious illuminating fog inside and a huge assemblage of teacups.

"Where is she?" She heard a voice speak from the front.

"Welcome," a voice came from the darkness of the shadows in the room, "How nice to see you in the physical world at last."

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