Chapter 7: Stay Away

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A/N: Words in parenthesis symbolize being spoken in another language.


"How are you?"

"(How are you?)"

"(How are you?)"

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"I got...The Mummy...Jaws....Ghostbusters...Raiders of the lost ark." she lists off with a stack of Blu-ray cases in hand.

Steven asks drying off his hands of freshly crushed ice and popcorn. A little movie theater at home. Dusting up an old projector.

"What's the last one?"

Levi laughs hysterically, holding her stomach until she catches her breath. "That's a good one." she calms down, eyes trailing up to see Steven's blank and confused expression. "You're joking right?" she assumes.


"You've never seen raiders of the lost ark!" She exclaims in horror. "We are just gonna have to fix that. Indie indoctrination let's go." She announces popping freshly popped popcorn into her mouth.

Shaking the syrup mixture into squeeze bottles.

"What flavor my darling?"

"Blue Raspberry." She chirps, watching in awe how the blue painted the white ice.

Accepting the cup she searches for a cocktail straw.

"Listen...I've been meaning to tell you something."

Giving him, her undivided attention taking a sip.

"... I'm afraid to---are you alright luv."

She side steps him to spit in the sink turning on the tap to rinse out her mouth.

"Is it this?" He asks sniffing the blue ice.

"It's so sweet." She shutters. "My teeth itch."

Steven takes a sip and puckers, coughing a couple times. "Sweet?" He chuckles. "That is bitter as a million lemons, sweetheart."

She takes another sip. "No, Your taste buds are broken, babe." She settles. "That is diabetes in a cup." she laughs. "Sorry. You were saying."

"I'm afraid to say this because I'm afraid to wake up and find out you're a dream."

"If this is a dream, all the more reason to go for it. Tell me Steven." She coos.

"I love you and you don't have to say it back."

"What if I want to?" She smiles.

He looks to her with big puppy dog eyes.

"My cinnamon roll. I love you too, Steven Grant. All of you."

"Even Marc?"

"He's a part of you. If it's ok with him. I hope to get to know Marc as well."

"I must warn you, Marc's a bit of a intense down---" as soon as the words left his lips he winces while holding his mouth. "You 'early 'ook my 'ongue off." he mutters running his tongue under cool water.

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