Chapter 2: Oops!

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Arthur rushes down the halls in a frenzy over to an officer he talked to over the phone

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Arthur rushes down the halls in a frenzy over to an officer he talked to over the phone. "Can I see her?" Arthur asks the officer who blocked his way into the room. He knocks on the door. After a few moments a woman exits the room. Drying his clammy hands on his pants. "She's asking for you." The social worker coos.

"You can see her in just a moment. They need to complete their examination."

"W-What kind of examination?" Arthur stammers.

"We have reason to believe that Levii has been abused..." he starts. "Physically and sexually. A child psychologist is with her, best not--"

"Yes--of course not." Arthur trembles. "What papers do I sign to have this monster behind bars."

The officer explains that Levii killed him in the mist of beating her mother to death.

"God no." He breathes, grabbing fistfuls of his hair. It felt like an eternity until the door opened allowing him inside.

Entering the room Levii hops off the examination table. Lifting her into his arms holding her tight.

"Uncle Artie." muffles into his shoulder. Wrapping her small arms around his neck brought tears to his eyes. "I wanna go home." she pouts. Resting her on his hip. Giving his fingers something to do adjusting her paper gown. "I want Mommy." she sniffles.

"I do too, sweetheart." he says, fighting sobs of his own for his sister. "She's in heaven now. And one day we'll see her again and we can be together forever." he explains.

"I want her now." she sobs. He holds her until her sobs settle to soft whimpers.

She looks off at something just over his shoulder. "Okay." She mumbles. Following her gaze to an empty corner. "Mmm-hmmm." She hums. "You'll never leave me right cuckoo?" she asks, looking to the corner.

"Whose Cuckoo?" he asks.

"My friend." she starts not meeting his eyes. "He helps me be not afraid. He helped me make Daddy stop."

"It seems that she's blocking out the memory which is normal

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"It seems that she's blocking out the memory which is normal. The mind's way of protecting us from very unpleasant memories. She'll come to you in time when she's ready."

"She started talking to an empty corner." he furrows his brows.

"Her imaginary friend." She smiles. "She seems very fond of. A security blanket. She drew many pictures when we first arrived." pulling out a paper for her folder handing it to Arthur. A stick figure of a girl in purple marker holding hands with a very tall stick figure in gray with a triangle head, and moon staff that was all too familiar.

"I've scheduled weekly sessions, here's my card if you have any questions. Be there for her, love her, and just take it one day at a time."

Flashback end

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Flashback end

Organizing her flat

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Organizing her flat. Going through boxes of glasses and cups in her cozy flat. Receiving her uncle's items, deciding to go through them. She opens the biggest box expecting a disassembled coffee table, bookshelves, but finds a staff she picks it up going into a trance inspecting the amethyst eyes. Sinking further and further running her thumb along the blade the eyes glowed


She drops the staff shoving her now bleeding thumb into her mouth. "Damn it." She hissed, flicking her hand. Shoving the staff back in its box shoving it under her couch. Starting again with a box with "Memories'' written on the side. Taking a seat opening it up to year books, graduation pictures, and awkward phases she'd rather forget. Her heart warms at a small album of her as a child with Arthur. Trips to the museum and seeing the Mummy and Indiana Jones in the theaters.

An old children's Egyptian god books Arthur read to her every night. Picking it up, papers fall out thanks to the loose binding. Picking it up to find drawings. Squares topped with triangle houses with curly Q clouds. Stick figures holding hands with a stick figure with a triangle for a head. Reminding her of the drawings Arthur drew.

Me and Coocoo written crudely

Opening up her laptop searching for Egyptian deities named "CooCoo".


Sorry , we couldn't find what you were looking for.


Finding books as a reliable source is something her uncle always taught her.

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