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Atlanta Ga, 11:21am
     A A L I Y A H

"Merry Christmas" I said going into Alease's room where her and Aziya were "Merry Christmas" they both said "you and Alease starting to look alike" Aziya said pointing at both of us "ew

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"Merry Christmas" I said going into Alease's room where her and Aziya were "Merry Christmas" they both said "you and Alease starting to look alike" Aziya said pointing at both of us "ew." Alease said "girlll" I said popping my neck at her "I hope your water break while your in class" I added on smirking "I hope the basketball inflate while your in the middle of a game" she said "yall so petty" Aziya said laughing "anyways, did yall like what I got yall for Christmas?" Alease asked "yessss, new shoes added to my collection" I answered "and my uggs are cute" Aziya said "I know! I'm the best gift giver." Alease said "now you just talkin, I'm the best gift giver. You seen the smiles I put on our siblings faces" Aziya rolled her eyes "oop." I said "Aaliyah you can't be sayin nothinggg, you didnt get us nothing" Alease said "actually, I helped mama pick out the gifts she got yall. So basically I did get yall something next caller" I said grinning "whatever, I'm finna go get ready" Aziya said getting up from the bed "me too" I said doing the same.

I got in the shower, brushed my teeth again, and put my clothes on. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen and seen my mama cooking again "we going somewhere?" I asked "yeah, next door" she answered while mixing the cake mix "Ooo can I try it" I said starting to stick my hand in the mix and she smacked it "what's wrong witchu, get those cupcake liners ready" she said and I rolled my eyes while getting the liners out the box.

"heyy tete baby!" I yelled as I seen Ace walk in the kitchen with his toy car in his hand and I picked him up "don't get distracted Aaliyah" my mom said pointing at the cupcake liners then reaching for Ace "ugh" I sighed then my mom got a call 'hello' ... 'yeah, I'm almost done 'alright, bye' , "who was that" I asked "Monica" she answered "we not going to grandma house later?" I questioned "we might" she answered  "aunt Loren needa come out her" I said and she rolled her eyes "you still don't like aunt Loren" I added on and laughed "fuck her, excuse my language chile but fuck her." My mom said then chuckled "but I'm glad you and Zion figured out the 'beef' y'all had" she added on "I'm done, what do I do now" I said pushing the pan of cupcake liners to her "put the mix in the liners" she said passing the the cupcake liners back and the mix "hurry up so we can go" she said. I finished then put the cupcakes in the oven, turned around and walked out the kitchen to the living room.

"Mama they done!" I yelled and it took her a few seconds before coming into the kitchen "okay, go tell your brother to start taking this food over to Monica house" she said and I waked out the kitchen. "Momma said come take this food to Monica house" I said walking into Austin room where all my brothers were "ight" they all said and I walked back out. "AALIYAH" Aziya yelled from in the bathroom "yes?" I asked "you think my outfit giving Christmas?" She questioned "yeah it's cute" I answered shaking me head "alright thank you" she said then walked out the bathroom.

We all walked to Monica's house since it was just next door. My mom knocked and she let us in. "Brandy's still coming right?" Monica asked my mom "yeah, you know she always late" my mom said "so that mean Serenity coming!" I budged in their conversation "yes girl, but mix these mash potatoes up for me" Monica said handing me the bowl of mash potatoes "thank you baby" she added on giving me a smile then we heard a knock on the door "that gotta be Brandy" Monica said putting a rag down and walking to open the door "heyy yall" Monica said hugging Brandy, Sy'rai & Serenity "okkk it smell good" Brandy said walking in the house "hey Georgia!!" She said then hugged my mom "Aaliyah" she smiled and hugged me "Hey miss Brandy" I smiled back "Aaliyah I got so much to tell you!!" Serenity said then grabbed my arm "sameee" I said, we both walked out the house and sat on the porch "how has it been in Cali? And is the food good?" I questioned "Cali is the same, and the food is to" she answered smirking "have you been talking to anybody, relationship wise?" I asked "yes, one year strong" she said smiling "I'm glad you and Mir still together, yall cuteeee" I said "enough about me who have you been talking to" she said as Romelo walked outside and we both turned our heads "wassup Melo" Serenity said getting up to dab him up "wassup Ren" Romelo said dappin her up back "what yall talkin bout" he said sitting next to me "nothinggg" I said "wait, yall been talkin" Serenity said cheesing at both of us watching us look at each other "I should've known" she added on "some like that" Melo said "oh wowwwww" I said pushing his head back "we used to play in this neighborhood so much" I said zoned out "but Serenity had to move" Romelo said then laughed "you sayin that like it's my fault" she said and we all laughed. After catching up we went back in the house to eat. "Can I do the prayer pleasee" I begged "have at it" Monica said and we all joined hands "God is great, God is good, let us thank him for this food in Jesus name we pray Amen" I said "Amen" everybody said and started reaching for dishes.

We got done eating and flopped on the couch "did you like what I got you for Christmas?" I asked Romelo "yuh, you liked what I got you?" He asked me back "yeah" I answered smiling. I ended up falling asleep since I was full and sleepy.

"Aaliyah, wake up we finna" Alease said shaking my body "mhm" I mumbled then got up "see yall later" my mom said as we walked out the door "alright, love yall" Monica said closing the door behind us.

"Where is Ari" I said "she's spending the night with Laiyah" my mom said "oh ok, I thought we lost her" I laughed. We got in the house and I went upstairs, went in my room then fell asleep AGAIN.

Atlanta Ga, Monday.

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