☆ Chapter 8 ☆

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' Rocket woke up after a while and yawned, curling his legs closer snd rubbed his eyes. He looked around, realizing he was in Swords room and smiled. He always phelt safe when he woke up in his room, it was like heaven. He sat up and stretched, looking out the window and saw that it was just barely morning. He giggled and got up, walking over to the window and climbed out, sitting on the roof and watched the woods. He sighed softly; he had learned to always love nature and the outdoors, it was the second thing to always bring him comfort, besides Sword. '

' Rocket looked down as he heard something at the window, seeing it slightly open and watching as Sword's new kitten, Maui, crawled his way out and came meowing up to Rocket. He chuckled and pet the small kitty on his lap, listening to the loud purring. The small kitten eventually jumped up on his chest, sniffling his chin and meowing. Rocket giggled and pet down his back, giggling louder at his meow-purring. He looked down as the window opened, blushing as he saw Sword poke his head out. '

' " Rocket..? Maui..? " He yawned, his voice being super gritty and deep as he called out to them. '

' " Up here! " Sword clumsily climbed out and looked up, smiling from seeing the two. '

' He climbed up and sat beside Rocket, leaning on his shoulder and sighed softly. '

' " The forest is so beautiful.. " Rocket nodded, petting Maui gently as he gazed out at the forest. '

' " Hey, Sword? " Rocket looked over at his lov- Best friend, smiling as his head tilted to the side. '

' " Have you ever thought about dating? " Sword face went red, almost as red as his horns. '

' " Uh.. Well yeah, but.. " Sword looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. '

' Rocket giggled, looking back out at the trees. '

' " I have. I wanna date them, hold them close and tell them it's ok; because I know how hard their life is. I can tell they always fake their smile, but I know it's genuine around me. " Rocket leaned on Sword's side, smiling softly. '

' Swords face heated up more. He didn't know if his cr- Best friend was talking about him or not, but he hoped he was. '

' The two looked over when Maui started pawing at the window, giggling and let him in. They climbed in behind him, closing the window as it started to rain. They eventually went downstairs for breakfast, sitting together as they ate their pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns. '

' Rocket finished a bit fast, getting up and taking his plate to the kitchen. He was super excited, he planned to explore the woods behind the mansion with Sword. He wanted to go hiking, camping, exploring, anything he could. He planned to ask him out, so he wanted to go out to where the two of them would be totally alone. '

' " Rocket, you ok? " Rocket jumped, looking behind him and saw his dad, making him smile widely. '

' " Mhm! Just excited! " Zuka chuckled, rubbing his head before pulling him to his chest, which Rocket flopped against him in a hug and nuzzled his chest. '

' He smiled up at his dad, snuggling into his arm and chest more. Zuka chuckled, hugging his son tightly with his arm. '

' " I love you, little boy.. " Rocket giggled, resting his head on his dad's chest. '

' " I love you too, dada.. " The two swayed back and forth, standing there hugging tightly. '

' They were always used to being poor and in dangerous neighborhoods, so their main way of showing love was long hugs like this. Rocket aggressively nuzzled his chest, giggling and hugged him tightly. '

' " I love love loovveee you!! " Zuka laughed loudly, kissing his head. '

' " I love ya too, baby boy! " Zuka kissed his sons forehead, to which he leaned on his tip-toes and nuzzled his neck. '

' Rocket eventually pulled away from the hug, bouncing as he smiled. '

' " I'm gonna ask Sword! " Zuka giggled, ruffling his hair. '

' " Goodluck, kiddo. " Rocket smiled, nuzzling his hand before running off. '

' " Love ya dada! " He ran upstairs, going to Sword's room to get dressed. '

' He put on a dark blue long sleeved shirt with a black short sleeved one over it, some baggy dark jeans, and a big backpack. He packed water, snacks, blankets, and a bunch of other things for exploring and camping. '

' Sword opened the door, surprised by seeing Rocket. '

' " Aww, you look so cute! " Rocket smiled as he turned around. '

' " We're going on an adventure! " Sword giggled, walking over. '

' "What kinda adventure? " '

' " A few days journey! We're going to go explore the woods and camp!! " Sword gasped, his eyes lighting up as he got excited. '

' " Really?! " Rocket nodded. '

' " Get dressed, we leave now! " Sword ran to his dresser, searching for clothes. '

' Rocket climbed onto the roof as he got dressed, smiling out at the woods, whispering. '

' " Soon..! " Sword eventually called for Rocket, so he went in and the two went downstairs. '

' Sword wore a white long-sleeved shirt with a bright red short-sleeved over it, some bright jeans, and the two wore matching sneakers. Sword went to his fathers office, knocking on the door before walking in. '

' " Hey, dad? Me and Rocket are gonna go explore the woods for a few days. " Illumina looked up, smiling. '

' " Of course! Have fun you two. " Sword smiled, walking over and quickly hugging his father before walking out. '

' The two packed stuff into two backpacks to carry, running out the front and went to the woods in the back. They climbed up the hill, racing to see who could make it up the fastest. '

' Sword got to the small clearing, his chest heaving as he tried to breathe. '

' " I made it first!! " Rocket whined, running up behind him and bent over, trying to catch his breath. '

' " You cheated! " Sword giggled. '

' " Did not! " '

' " Did too!" '

' The two laughed, almost falling over from how hard they were laughing. '

' They both eventually sat down, setting up their tent. They laid out blankets and pillows, just laying in the tent, since the sun was slowly going down. They had explored the forest for the clearing all day, and were tired as the sun went down. They laid outside the tent, Rocket laying his head on Sword's chest as they gazed out at the beautiful stars. '

' Rocket squinted, looking up and gasped. '

' " Look! The milky way! " Sword squinted before gasping, smiling brightly. '

' " It is! " Rocket giggled, laying back down and stared up at the stars. '

' They laid there for about an hour, just staring at the stars and making out different constellations. Sword eventually got up, stretching before taking Rocket into the tent and zipped it up. They got under the blankets they laid out, the two cuddling together as they slowly drifted to sleep . . . '

1134 words

' ~ ' Till death do us part . . . ' ~ ' SwocketNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ