Chapter Four; Family

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Ivy stood, anxiously waiting just within the door to the servants' passages

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Ivy stood, anxiously waiting just within the door to the servants' passages. It was nearly 6 o'clock and Jasmine had yet to arrive. She was missing dinner waiting, but had no other choice, seeing as though Jasmine was not here, and Ivy did not entirely want to go to this party without her friend.

It had only been one night that they had spent together, but never really knowing anyone besides her siblings, Ivy felt as if she already knew Jasmine, like she knew her brothers and sisters.

Then suddenly, the sound of horse hooves was approaching, and Ivy quickly slipped out the door to see Theodore, with Jasmine behind him, riding quickly to the side of her house. They came to a halt, and Jasmine jumped from the back of the horse, fixing her skirts as she landed.

"Hello," she spoke, looking deeply into Ivy's eyes,

"Hello," Ivy replied, then looked up quickly to Theodore, already feeling her cheeks grow warm, "Thank you for allowing your daughter to accompany me, I appreciate it very much." She curtsied, then looked back to where Jasmine stood in front of her and smiled kindly to her friend.

"You are welcome, miss Elizabeth," Theodore replied, "You ladies have a good time, and Jasmine, if it is too late to return home tonight, you may stay the night with miss Elizabeth, so long as it is alright with her father."

"Oh, thank you father! I shall be good and see you soon!" She waved, as Theodore rode away again.

"Come quickly," Ivy spoke, "We must return to my room quickly before dinner is over and my father comes looking for me." She opened the little wooden door and led Jasmine inside. She followed quietly behind Ivy as the two made their way through the dimly lit passages, up a narrow flight of stone stairs and emerged moments later, in the comfortable room of Ivy.

Her mouth opened in awe as she gazed about the room, taking in every detail. From the books to the bed, Jasmine adored every part of the large, magnificent room before her.

"This is... your bedroom?" Jasmine asked, breathing in deeply the scent of fresh flowers and of earth.

"Yes," Ivy blushed modestly, "It is really not much. I had the maids take many of the flashy and extravagant features away ages ago. I prefer to live simply. Just me and my books." She added, smiling up at the tightly bound books in shades of forest green, brown and yellow.

"It is still wonderful none the less," Jasmine replied, "I am so happy to be here to see it." She spun around in the middle of the room, her arms spread out and her skirts making a perfect circle around her.

Ivy stood with her back pressed against the wall, closing the secret passage through the wall that led into her room. Her opal eyes watched Jasmine, taking every aspect of her in. The way her two Dutch braids swung behind her while she spun. The way the worn, brown skirt and cream apron flowed around her. And the beautiful smile her soft face wore while she gazed around her at the room, almost too ornate for her to be in.

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