Love Behind The Camera

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"Eunjin-ah listen to me!", a tall handsome male grabbed the female's hand, stopping her from leaving.

"You should get going, please don't waste your time here, Joon-ah. She must be waiting for you", Eunjin said in an annoyed tone and looked away.

"Are you perhaps jealous?", Hajoon smirked.

"Whatever", Eunjin said with a huff as she marched into her bedroom.

"Aaannd.... Cut it!!", Taehyung said in his mic as he smiled at the actors. They dropped their characters immediately as they looked expectantly at Taehyung.

"Good job guys", Taehyung clapped and the actors smiled in relief.

"Whoa it came out so good", Jungkook said as he nodded to himself while looking at the display of their recorded scene. He's the one who played Hajoon in this drama.

Taehyung smiled as he removed his glasses. Sohee who played as Eunjin smiled along with him.

"Alright, so the next scene is gonna be a little spicy. Sohee you gonna get inside to your room furiously because you are indeed jealous okay? And Jungkook you gonna follow her and grab her waist, pull her closer. No dialogue so viewers can feel the intensity", Jungkook nodded with a concentrated frown.

"So, you gonna pull her closer and I want you to be very close, like your noses should touch. No kisses tho, not yet", he laughed as the whole set started chuckling.

"Just stay closer, and maybe caress her cheeks and you know the drill right", Taehyung asked looking at Jungkook who nodded with a frown.

If Jungkook looked a bit uneasy he decided not to show.

"Yeah, and Sohee you have to act like you are being intimidated by him. Okay, you love him and this is the first time you both are this close so you feel nervous and small", Taehyung explained as Sohee smiled understanding.

"Alright, is everything ready?", he asked his assistant as she said yes, everyone started to stand in their positions ready to shoot the scene.

Jungkook cleared his throat as the makeup artist did their job and corrected his dress. His behaviors are oddly different than any other day.

Usually, Jungkook used to be so excited and energetic in the set but today he was oddly silent.

Even tho he's a famous actor who's very popular in Korea and known for his flawless acting in dramas he never showed it out. He was as kind as he was when he first joined in this industry. Very down to earth and friendly, everyone loves him for his kind and childish nature.

Even Sohee is also a leading actress who recently started her career as an actress. She's been in this industry for 5 years whereas Jungkook has 10 years of experience.

"Roll camera... Action!!", Taehyung yelled in his mic.

Jungkook walked over and grabbed Sohee as he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He walked further so that she could lean against the wall, leaving no space between them. Jungkook's other hand tucked Sohee's hair behind her ear as he let his fingers caress her cheeks.

Their bodies were so close but not their faces. Taehyung looked closely into the screen as he frowned.

"Jungkook I want you to get a little bit closer", he said in his mic.

Jungkook leaned a bit but not enough to satisfy Taehyung. Taehyung frowned again.

Oh, come on!

"Jungkook, your nose should touch her. More closer", he said again.

TAEKOOK ONESHOTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें