a normal day for the ✨flower sisters🤍🖤✨️

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TW for mentions of eating disorders, thoughts of suicide, SH, and violence. Because that's what sisters do ig /j


The flower sisters (Cakey and Flower from BOW) actually live in the same place together. They live on opposite sides of the house.

Anyways, Cakey starts the day off making a very hearty breakfast. She asks her sister if she wants any, and they say no. So she just eats it all.

Flower starts the day crying and shaking in all the pain they're in. And they only got a few seconds of sleep too. But after that, they go out to see Cakey devouring a shit ton of breakfast food.

Actually, over eating.

Because next thing you know, Cakey throws up in the trash can. Then she finishes the other three quarters of her breakfast.

That's when Flower makes another livestream in their room.


"Bleed out for audience approval. Tragic, but perfectly on schedule." Type shit.

So 30 minutes after Cakey vores breakfast and it's a bit too quiet in the house, Cakey opens the door to make sure Flower didn't kill themselves. But there was blood on the floor and Flower was staring at it. But at least they were still alive.

Afterwards, Cakey goes to hang out with her friends. She's out most of the day, but she always sneaks back home when her friends least expect it. That's when she picks up her sister for lunch. They eat out so that Flower has no choice but to get something to eat.

When they get their food, Cakey eats it all in 10 seconds and Flower takes a single bite and asks for a to-go box and saves it until it grows mold and then throws it out.

But not today.

Cakey pressured her sister into eating all her food. Flower was quivering with the stress and was 🤏this close to having a mental breakdown. Actually, they were having one. Just without the crying.

Then that thing happens when Cakey gets found by a friend. And Flower gets recognized in public by a waitress. And the two end up dining and dashing and don't get caught.

Anyways, they go back home and Flower streams again and Cakey reads a really sappy smut story for shits and giggles. And later in this time period is when Flower vents to their sister about wanting to kill herself on stream.

For not being good enough.

That's when Flower smacks them. And Flower kicks her kneecap. And they get into a fight that goes on for about 15 minutes. And when Cakey wins, Flower threatens murder. And when Flower wins, Cakey tells them to kill themself.

This time, no one won because there was a knock on the door. A box and letter. The box was for Flower and the letter was for Cakey.

Flower got sent a knife. You know what they were gonna use that for.

Cakey got sent a letter from none other than fucking Sarai. Sarai basically roasted Cakey. So Cakey went to retaliate out of spite.

Flower does one last stream, and Cakey makes dinner for the two. At this time, Flower has a mental breakdown on stream. But dinner goes like breakfast except that Cakey saves her some food. Then she goes to bed.

And Flower stays up all night livestreaming.

Also a few things:

1. It was a weekend day. That's why Cakey wasn't at her bakery.

Okay bye bye nowwwww

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