i can take you to the candy shop 😏🍭🍬🍫🎂🍰🍪🍩🧁🍦🍧🍨🤩😜

47 2 14

A/N: I discovered Candy Man from R.I.P. yayyyyyyyyyyyyy

So now I'm gonna use it here yayyyyyyyyyyyyy

Also this chapter long asf


TW for mentions of drugs, and also using drugs and a goofy ass tiny lil sexual reference. Actually 2.


There are a few bakeries by each other. Actually 2 bakeries and a candy shop. They actually bought from the candy shop. The candy shop is right in between the two.

Anyways, we got Cakey's bakery, and Sarai's bakery. They're in intense rivalry. The only thing separating them from murdering each other is the candy shop between them. Owned by the Candyman.

Little did they know, the Candyman drugs his candy and his sugar. He uses all kinds of stuff, from LSD to MDMA to cannibis, and the list goes on to a harmful extent. Bro has killed people using these, and is having these two girls buy from him. Oop

So one Wednesday, there was a bake sale, and a bunch of CreepP characters came by (they're CreepP characters if I address them) They were gonna try the drugged goods that the two didn't bother trying themselves.

They had their tables right next to each other and were gonna make a priority to make each other lose sales.

There were 10 people in each line. "Yoooooooooooo did you know that Cakey burned that chocolate cake you're eating, ma'am?!" Sarai shouted from the distance. The woman spit it out into the nearby trashcan. "Disgusting!" She said, and went to Sarai's line, along with others.

"Wait! Those sugar cookies... she used her cum to make those!!" Cakey exclaimed. "That's super unsanitary! What if she has an STD?!"

So then the people went to Cakey's line. "But wait! Those cakes are raw!" Sarai yelled. People came back to Sarai's line.

"Well, so are those cupcakes! They taste like rotten egg!" Cakey yelled.

"At least my deserts don't make people's teeth rot!"

"Well, that's to be expected. Your deserts literally give people hypodontia!"

"Tf is that!?"

"She doesn't even know what she's doing! You're the one giving people teeth decay!"

"Teeth decay is better than giving your customers digestion issues!"

And the insults went back and forth. But eventually, the two sold out.

But when they both closed shop, they found the customers passed out on the street due to an extreme high. Some might have been dead. Some were writhing. Some were moaning. But nonetheless, they were all on the ground.

"Um......" Cakey said as she stared at the mess before her.

"What... what happened to them?" Sarai asked with genuine concern.

"Should we... should we call somebody?" Cakey asked.

"Who would we even call?"


"Yeah, we could get an ambulance or something. But first, is the Candyman-"

"No, he left early. I wonder if he had anything to do with this because we didn't try those pastries, and we borrowed sugar... from... him..."

"Oh my word."

So the next morning they confronted the candyman.

"SIR," Sarai yelled after kicking his door down. "WHAT IN THE DEVIL'S NAME WAS IN THAT SUGAR!?"

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