Fayrouz roasts Tamari

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"You're making a wreck of broken glass and leaving me a fucking mess! Bending light in a way that shows exactly how the story goes!"
-Christopher Pierre (YOHIOloid) in The Distortionist by GHOST and Pals, I forgot the year I'll look later.


TW for like telling someone that they're a disappointment/not good enough? I guess degrading if your sensitive to that. And mentions of suicide. They're mean mentions too.


"what iS Wrong WiTh YOU. wHy aRe You NOt GOOd eNougH." Fayrouz told Tamari as soon as she saw them.

"Nothing I just don't wanna be a therapist momm. :("

"yoU'rE So diSaPpOINtING orPhAns get picKEd OveR you."

"What 🤨"

"THAT'S WHy YOU'Re ShORT IT shoWs yOur eXpECtaTIOns In lIfe. short."


"YOu loOK sADdEr thaN AlL thE SUIcIDAL PEoPle I KNow CoMbiNED!"


"THe Only THERaPisT You're evEr gonNA bE iS a COnvERSIoN THerapiSt BECaUsE You mAke all ThE GAY MEn sTraIgHT!!!"


"ANd ALL tHE STrAighT WoMEn gaY!!!"


"You'Re MaKiNG tHe wHoLe wOrLD aro/ACe TAmARI!!!!"


"That's why I WaS goNnA Make YOU oN hALloweEn! bEcAUSe yOU'RE sO ugLy!"


"you'Re sO uGlY It'S brINgiNG SOcIety 10 YEaRS CloSEr TO DeaTh!"


"YOU'rE crYInG bECAuSe it's TrUuuUuUuueEEEeEeEeEe!!!!!!!!"


"kilL yOURsElFFFFfFff!!!!"


Tamari left and went into their room. They were gonna get her back someway, somehow...

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