Chapter 5

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  After about an hour and a half Dela and I were able to put a fantastic outfit together. An outfit that screamed look at me and regret not staying with me. I put on a gorgeous blouse and skirt with a matching blazer. My blouse was an ivory silk button up with short sleeves. While my skirt was down to my legs stopping just below my knees. It was deep red, like a rose colored red. I grabbed a matching cloche flapper hat with a black ribbon wrapped around it pinned with a silver pendant.  My favorite 245- Lucille flapper heels, black of course. 

I put on my darkest red lipstick and my best perfume to make him miss me . My favorite essentially, seeing as that I wore it everyday and every where. The perfume consisted of jasmine and amber scents.  Almost floral, it smelled so refined yet almost to be so classy. After being put all together, looking in the mirror - I felt powerful! I felt that I could literally take on whatever he threw at me. Whatever came my way; I was ready. And  ready enough to make him see just what he was missing. 

I walked across town down to his job. While walking I kept replaying the entire conversation in my head. Well how I thought the conversation would go. Trying to decide of what I wanted to say, what I wanted to let him know. Once I finally got there I could see from across the street.  I could see Charles sitting on a bench eating his lunch. He looked so handsome, just sitting there and he looked so handsome. I smiled at that. No I shouldn't be thinking that! I should still be mad at him! Oh who am I kidding... He could be literally just be doing  nothing at all look absolutely breath taking.  I could just go up to him and plant one on him! 

Ugh wait no!  I was still mad at him ! I should be furious with this man! Not wanting to kiss him! Not wanting to try and go plant a fat one on him!  But, yet I was still completely and madly in love with this man. I mean i would do anything for this man. But the why did it seem so hard to just go and walk up to him. To go and yell at him. I was utterly vexed and I just wanted to go and slap the crap out of him. I wanted to just scream at him! .. But I didn't.  After looking at him for all of about a minute, which somehow felt like an eternity... I decided that I couldn't do it, I'm a coward.  A coward, yes that's exactly what I am. I decided to just turn around and walk away. 

So that is exactly what I did or what I was trying to do is more like it. Just as soon as I was going, I heard a familiar voice.  Oh no. It was Charles! He called my name. "JANE-ANNE!" He shouted as he ran up to me. Oh shit. He looked so sexy running up to me.  I looked at him and I just wanted to run into his arms and burst into tears.  I wanted to cry and be angry at him and ugh! I wanted to yell at him for not seeing me for so long.

"Jane-anne .. I'm so sorry". I looked at him waiting for him to continue. " I am so sorry for not coming to see you all this time."  I looked at him practically with tears in my eyes. 

I read his face while he just stood there waiting for me to do something. I think he thought I was going to yell and throw a fit at him.  He was sorry. I could see that he felt bad.

  " Why did you stop seeing me?" I asked in a rage and scare

" Did I do something wrong?" 

" Did I do anything to hurt or anger you?" 

" Are you angry with me?" 

" Do you not want to be with me anymore?" 

I asked him. He just looked at me and asked me to come and sit so that we could talk.  I obliged, we talked for awhile on why he was avoiding me.  If I did anything to upset him.  Seeing if I could make our situation in any way better. If there was even a way to possibly do that.  He explained to me that he was summoned to go to war, and that he only had about 3 months left before he was to leave. Charles just looked at me and tears filled his eyes. He grabbed my hand and then he said the one thing that I would never forget.  How could I forget! it was the one thing that I wanted to hear after so long! Even if it was a hundred years from now I know that I would always remember those four little words that came out of his mouth.

" I love you Jane-anne'' 

My heart skipped a beat and I felt as if I was floating on a cloud looking down at myself. Charles looked at me and I could tell that he was waiting for my answer, to see if I even remotely felt a little bit of the same way as he did. The agony that was weighing on his shoulders, The torture. Standing idly by. You could see it in his eyes. 

I wanted to respond in the only way that I wanted, the only way that I could've said anything without looking like a fool.  So I did. I told him the one thing I've been wanting to say since the moment I laid my eyes on him. " I love you too Charles Eugene Vanchure! " I have loved him since the moment I saw him at that jazz club on bourbon street. Since the moment I heard his amazing voice, the way he sang and the way his fingers ran along that piano. His beautiful smile. I knew right then and there that I wanted to spend my life with him. 

An enormous grin showed up on Charles' face, a big giant one ear to ear. He hugged me and I felt so happy. I felt as if everything was going into place. But then it got so much better! Charles asked me the one question that I wanted to hear. The question that I've been wanting to hear since the moment we started courting. 

" Jane-anne, I know that what I did these last 2 months was wrong. I know that I shouldn't have ignored you.." " but I wanted to say that I am so sorry and that I wanted still be with you.." 

" So I guess what I'm trying to say is Jane-anne?" 

"Will you marry me? "

 Those words. Those beautiful and magnificent amazing words. I did the next best the next best thing and I grabbed him and kissed him! I didn't even realize in the moment what I did until I did it. You could tell that he was shocked but also gleeful.

" Jane-anne... that was.."

 And before he could answer I said, " Charles I know it wasn't very lady like but I could not help myself! " " I love you! And I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"  Charles smiled again and kissed me back. I felt as if I was out of my body and I was astral projecting. I just wanted to stay in his arms forever at that moment. After about another fifteenth minutes of talking he had to get back to work. 

I went home and I called Dela right away. I explained in intricate detail about everything that happened.  I told her how it made me feel and how much better I felt after I was finally able to talk to Charles. I began to put together everything I needed to make for a stunning dinner.  

Later that day around six thirty pm he came over to see me. I was so excited that he finally came over after several weeks! I invited Charles in and we talked and laughed and made dinner together. I made him my old nannies special Gumbo. Even though it was my first time making nanny Martha's Gumbo. 

 I called her up the second I got home and asked for every ingredient I needed, every amount of spice and what not. I followed every direction she gave me down to the sound of it coming off her tongue. I was freaking out! I was nervous and I was afraid that he might not like it. So just in case I also made some beignet's.  It was only just in case, at least that way he wouldn't go home on an empty stomach. Besides who could go wrong with beignet's. 

On the good side Charles loved it ! He had two servings and I was so glad. He went on and on about how tasteful it was and how it was probably the best gumbo he's ever had. I was so cheery. 

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