She empties the contents of her backpack into her trunk, but has to fend off Georgia, who keeps trying to organize it. I proceed to flying up to the turret space above her bunk, and awkwardly spread my feet. It's hard to perform earth magic while flying, but I manage to pull open and melt the shingles together so that they resemble curtains.

"Come on Lily, follow me!" Georgia says, climbing down the ladder at top speed. Lily follows suit, but I simply jump down, and cushion the air to catch me.

Such a large amount of students are missing, since three quarters of the students are Enchanters. The rest are elementals, save five Telepathics, who are in different grades excluding Georgia.

We all rush down the stairs at top speed, and when we reach the bottom, Lily places her hand on the door leading out of the turret.

I pull her hand back and say, "Wall Frog" to the stone wall opposite the door. It opens, as if on hinges and we walk inside.

Someone told us about this place before, but I've never seen it. The common room had huge ceilings and was very spacious. The involvement of a mage must've made it bigger on the inside (TARDIS).

There was a fireplace set against the back wall, with several plush chairs. Several tables dotted the room, making it perfect to study for our exams next year. To the left there was also a big bookcase, although there must be a library in the school someplace else.

A huge table had been setup, where a cooky man in an orange hat was evaluating all the Enchanters, and then handing out wands. A couple of the teachers were present, and they seemed slightly spooked out by the strange man and the way he was sometimes sniffing the girls.

I looked over at Lily, and she seemed very nervous at being judged by him, although she tried to hide it. "Good luck," said Georgia, the man must have a very... fascinating mind.

We walk over to a sofa and sit down, leaving Lily to awkwardly shuffle over to the large gathering.

Well, I think to Georgia, what is she like? She looks at me and responds, She's pretty interesting, although she has a very open mind. If I ever want to communicate with her like we're doing now, it'll take a lot of practice.

Before I can answer, the man in the orange says loudly, "You must be Lily! I've been told about you! Here try this wand!" He hands her a wand for her to try but she immediately gives it back.

"It doesn't... feel right," she says causing other girls to snicker. "Of course, of course. What was I thinking? Here try this one!" The man says to her expectantly. The same process goes on for four more wands, much more than any of the other girls, until the man gasps.

"Of course! I know exactly which one you need! Here, eleven inches, slightly springy, oak with a ringtail hair in the center. Please try it!" He gives her the wand and her face lights up. The tip of the wand glows, and she nods.

"Perfect," cries the odd man, "who is next?" Lily walks over to us, excited about her new wand. "I can finally do real magic!" She exclaims.

I look over at the clock hanging on the wall, and say, "Great! But we should get ready for supper now, it starts in an hour!" Georgia and Lily both nod, so we leave the common.

Lily's face falls when she sees the stairs. Their really are a lot, since we sleep on the top floor. Before my friends can start climbing, I say, "Maybe I can make us climb faster. Georgia get on the step next to me, you too Lily."

They go where I said, but Georgia looks at me doubtfully, Are you sure about this, Zelena? I think, Of course, it's simple really, just rotating the stairs. I spread my feet apart (TOPH STANCE) and concentrate on the stone steps.

Using my magic, I begin to shift our step forward, faster and faster, until we get to the top. I'm proud of myself, that took about an eight of the time it would have taken to walk.

Both Lily and Georgia seem surprised, although I would gave thought Georgia would have more faith in my abilities.

"Come on girls, let's get ready for supper," I say, opening the door and leading the way. "Do we have special outfits for supper too?" Asks Lily. Georgia laughs but shakes her head,

"We wear our magic practice outfits for meals. When we say prepare for supper, it means clean the dormitory. Delaware checks the dorms everyday to see if their clean, and awards group points to those who keep it that way. Tonight they're going to go into more detail about it during dinner," she finishes, starting to make her bed.

It's already made, but the 'creases must be eliminated'. Lily looks at her part of the room, and goes to sit next to the ladder. She hasn't done anything since she got here except put away her clothes. Even her new wand is tucked safely in waistband.

I on the other hand, am terrible at keeping things organized. Thank goodness Georgia is there, or else my trunk would be a solid mass of wrinkled clothing.

I make my bed, pick up the books on the floor, shove some clothes in my trunk, and close the 'curtains' in our roof.

By the time I'm done, Georgia and Lily are already gone, waiting impatiently by the door to our main dorm. I shimmy down the ladder and grab their hands.

Doing the same thing I did earlier, we arrive at the bottom of the stairs quickly and swiftly.

"That is going to be very useful," says Georgia, out loud so Lily can hear. "Good thing I'm here then," I reply smiling at her.

We walk out the door and are swept away by our whole group going to dinner, where we will finally know what our name will be.

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