014, you're like the favourite child

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                          { irl , messages }


mallekai and matt looked at each other as soon as chris had left and instantly started laughing their asses off.

obviously the seen would have looked much worse then it actually was to chris but his shocked face was hilarious.

mal is thankful he didn't come along like 5 seconds before because he would've seen her boobs and THAT would've been even more awkward then the situation already was.

"I guess I should tell you guys why i'm here hey?" mal half laughs to lighten her own mood more than matt's.

"yeah that would be helpful!" matt says before walking out of his room towards the living room. mal followed him obviously looking like a lost puppy even though she knew this house like the back of her hand. she probably even knew it better then her own.

once they made it to the living room mal sunk into one of the 2 love seats, matt sitting on the other one parallel from her.

"NICKKK CHRISSSSS COME HEREEEE!!!!" matt yelled like a whiney child.

"oh my god please never yell like that again you're genuinely going to give me a headache" mallekai couldn't help the comment that slipped from her mouth.

"well i'm sorry that my brothers are deaf, I kinda NEED to scream for them to hear me" matt replied looking at her with a blank face.

"have you ever thought they might just be ignoring you when you speak normally?" mal asked with a smug smile.

"oh you mean like you did to me when we were in 6th grade?" matt asked completely serious. this however made mallekai feel that same old bitter taste in her mouth. he REALLY just said that? after he knows damn well he was the one who caused her to ignore him? the audacity of this man was insane.

mallekai just rolled her eyes, she didn't feel like arguing over a dumb 6th grade relationship or childhood friendship even if it had hurt her more than anything else in her life.

nick and chris walked into the room like two toddlers that were guilty and in trouble. mal half laughed to herself about this.

"yeah?? what's wrong?" chris was the first to ask, he was very impatient and clearly just wanted to get back to whatever he was doing.

"well mallekai was going to tell us why she came here looking distraught and stuff but it seems you don't really care" matt tells chris sounding impatient himself.

"oh alright then" chris says slamming himself down on the couch. nick just nodded sitting down on the couch much gentler then chris did.

all three triplets were looking at her expectantly obviously waiting for her to continue and tell them why she showed up uninvited and looking like a hot steaming pile of shit.

"oh uh sorry first of all i'm sorry I didn't text any of you to like tell you I was coming but long story short I got into trouble with my mum because she found out I skipped and she said that she 'raised me better than that'" mal used air quotes for that part because her mum hadn't really raised her at all and they knew that.

they were all silent listening to her and it made mallekai feel really important to them. her mother never listened to her like this, it felt nice to have someone just simply listen.

 .•POURING RAIN•. - Matthew Sturniolo 💫Where stories live. Discover now