I Should've Finished

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     I crept out of the basement and into the kitchen where a door leading to the garage was. There my dad had a backup car, one for sticky situations like this. We never kept it outside to keep from anyone recognizing our car in any circumstance, so we hid it in the garage. It was an old rusty aging Toyota that had open spots on the hood where the paint was chipping off. No one would expect a car of this quality to be in a neighborhood this nice filled by only the old rich people and that's exactly the kind of cover I needed. We've only ever used it at night in the dead hours where we were sure that everyone in our neighborhood was asleep. No one would see us to recognize us, the garage door is fairly quiet so even if one of these ancient beings heard something no one has cameras that would be able to catch who's garage door it was. This really was a perfect town considering the crime rate was non-existent and everything was up to spec like a picture-perfect cookie cutter annoyingly obnoxious Caucasian suburban town.

     I started the car and let the engine warm up a bit and then hopped over into the passenger side seat. If by any chance the motel has any kind of cameras, they would pick up on my dad's face driving the vehicle and not mine. I lowered my seat just a bit so I could lean back and not have my face be seen by any car that pulls up alongside of us. Once I established a comfortable position I got out of the car and headed back towards the door to the kitchen to grab some last-minute things. Once my hand was on the doorknob the door swung open to reveal my dad standing behind it.

"Oh, uh is everything alright?" He asked face turning pale.

"Yeah, I just needed to grab something from the kitchen really quickly before we go." I said sliding past him and walking over to a cabinet that had a padlock on it.

     I opened the cabinet door below it and felt on the top area for a box I taped to there and once my hand was on it, I pushed the back part forward and the box revealed a small key. I took the key from the box, and I unlocked the padlock and removed the chain letting it drop onto the countertop. I opened up the doors to reveal my secret stash of candy. I scanned through the labeled boxes and jars to get a feel of what I would be in the mood for this fine evening and there were all sorts of handmade delights in there. Everything from tongue taffy to chocolate covered pieces of Amandas heart, Amanda was an absolute delight to have around she just got a bit too nosey and found out more than I would've wanted her to, and it ended in her ultimate demise. Which reminds me that I have to remove her remaining pieces out of the deep freezer before she spoils and stinks up the place. After an overall summary I decided to go with the freshest possible candy I have from the most recent date labeled on the container and that was my BBQ skin lollipops. I had forgotten I made Alexis into lollipops and now that I see her here it made me a bit hungry, so I took a few and shoved them in my pocket along with a pack or normal Twizzlers and some breath mints. Before heading back in the garage, I also grabbed two water bottles, tonight would be a lot of work and I didn't want to end up dehydrated that would be unhealthy. I Stowed everything away in my available pocket space and headed back towards the car. 

     I jumped in the passenger seat and started opening the bag of Twizzlers in my pocket, my dad heard the shuffling and got extremely nervous.

"What is that? What are you doing?" He asked turning an even lighter shade of white than i've ever seen.

"I gave you five minutes, and you didn't listen."

"Jake, I made it to the car in three what are you talking about."

"You know Daren your sassiness is going to get you into a lot of trouble one of these days you know that don't you."

"Jake whatever I did I'm sorry I'll do better next time just please take your hands out of your pockets."

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