Chapter 3

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"So... you're going to be home schooled?" I asked Ari as she packed the remaining clothes from her closet.

Most of their stuff were already shipped to LA the other day. When I entered their house earlier — I didn't know how to react, seeing it almost empty.

"Yeah... then after the audition... there's also another musical I'm trying." She said, plopping herself on her bed.

"Don't overwork yourself, Ari. Remember to have fun and enjoy from time to time." I reminded her that she was still a kid, no matter how grown up her chosen career seemed to be.

She just chuckled and moved over to where I was seated. I was trying to check her other suitcase if it was snuggly fitted until her arms snaked my torso from behind.

Shit. I tensed up instantly, making me jerk back a little.

"Dude, chill — what's wrong with you, you've been jumpy. I swear you'll miss my hugs." She whispered almost close to my ear.

The hairs on my neck stood — her breath tickling my skin, giving me goosebumps across my body.

Code Blue.

After our dinner the other night, Ariana actually slept over at my house. Of course, Frankie made it weird by throwing his comments about making sure that we won't make out the whole night.

Luckily, Joan and my parents didn't hear it.

All it did was for Ariana to be awkwardly scooted over the other side of the bed while I lay on my back, with my mind running 100 miles per hour.

I still haven't figured out how to deal with her... moving to LA. Maybe a part of me just accepted it... but a part of me was hoping that we'd keep in touch and nothing will change between us.

"Hmm, doubt that." I answered Ariana making her pinch my stomach.

We just sat there, with her arms around me and her head buried onto my back. She was gently inhaling my perfume — like she was trying to memorize it.

It was kind of... nice.

If I didn't know that she just sees me as a sister... I'd be jumping into conclusion that there was a probability that she also feels something for me... but then... she already made it clear.

My dad told me that I should tell Ariana what I feel. He said that I'll never know what could happen if I confess.

But isn't having a secret and unrequited feelings for your best friend a part of being a teenager?

Also... I was too afraid to risk our friendship... She's more than just someone I want to be in a relationship with... she's my other half... so I'd rather just be her best friend than nothing at all.

Besides... we're too young... this could still change. Right?

"I'll miss you, Charlie..." She whispered softly. Her voice full of... sorrow?

I immediately spun when I heard her voice crack a little. Her eyes were a bit reddish and she looked like she was about to cry.

"I don't want to leave you here..." She added, the. bitting her lip to hold herself from crying.

Unreadable emotions swirled in her eyes... it was as if she was waiting for me to say something.

"It'll be okay, Ari... don't worry about me. I'll manage... you... you chase your dream, yeah? I'll support you even though we're thousand miles away..." I kept my voice firm, trying to make it seem like I was stronger.

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