Plastic Weapon

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A/N: I genuinely hate playing RE2R. I keep running out of ammo 😭. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Reader's P.O.V

For the next few weeks, my life has been the same. Eat, sleep, drink coffee, repeat. The hotel ended up providing me with a coffee maker, but their coffee wasn't very good, so I tried tea, which was much more enjoyable than the coffee. I wasn't provided with much entertainment, just the T.V and over time it grew just as boring as my life. I ended up picking up books, courtesy of the hotel. During the first 2-3 days it was nice. It was a change from the world around me. These books immersed me into them and it brightened up my colourless days. Eventually I finished off the provided books, which really was only 2, so my days went back to how they were normally spent. Leon would drop by. Maybe once every 5 days. I truly did feel alone in this confinement. I wish I could find some sort of way to keep myself entertained.

I rested my head against the headboard of the bed. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I wonder how Claire and Sherry are. I hope they're doing better than I am.

Claire's P.O.V

It's been weeks since I got that call from Y/N. It's been weeks since I've made that call to Leon. He had already contacted me to say that she was safe weeks ago, but he couldn't tell me of her whereabouts. I was already aware that he wouldn't be able to tell me, for her safety. All that mattered to me was that she was safe.

Even though Leon already updated me and Sherry on Y/N's situation, I've noticed Sherry had been on edge recently. I've asked her about it but to no avail. I'm worried about Y/N too, even if she is safe, but Sherry has to be feeling something else. Something stronger. I want to help her, but I need her to trust me.

Reader's P.O.V

I was deep in thought when I heard a knock at the door. While gathering myself, the knocks at the door started to multiply. The amount of force rapidly increasing. I felt my breath hitch. Who the hell is at my door? I quietly made my way to the table, looking for something to use as protection. My eyes land on a plastic fork. Seriously? It is better than nothing though. I quickly grab it and quietly make my way to the bathroom, carefully opening the door and locking it behind me upon entering. I slowly backed up until my back met the wall.

I felt helpless. I had nowhere to go and had only hope to get me through this. I could hear the banging of the door from inside the bathroom, each bang louder than the last. I wasn't much of a fighter like Leon or Claire, I was more of a supporter, taking care of injuries along the way. It wasn't that I couldn't fight, I had learned a trick or two after the events that took place during the night of September 30th. But it was my own fear suppressing my actions. I needed to stay calm. I don't know when help will arrive. Hell. I don't even know if it'll come. Leon told me this place was heavily guarded, was he saying that with him included? Because at the moment, I think this place is heavily guarded as long as Leon's in it.

I heard the door to the room crash to the ground, followed by the sounds of feet shuffling around my room. I couldn't tell if words were being exchanged, I tried to focus so I could listen when a pound at the door echoed through the bathroom. I covered my mouth to prevent a whimper from escaping. I slowly slid down the wall, landing on my ass. I tried to suppress the tears from falling but it was no use, they had already escaped my eyes. I blinked several times to get the tears out now. I can't cry. I need to stay strong. I took deep breaths, just like Claire would've advised me.

The bathroom door collapsed onto the ground. A man dressed in black clothing from head to toe aimed a gun to my head. Although it was pointless, I held up my fork. I wasn't going down without a fight. All of a sudden the man charged right at me, his forearm digging into my neck, as if trying to suffocate me. I tried stabbing him with the fork. Of course, since it was plastic, it just bent, on the verge of snapping in half. I cursed quietly to myself, still heard by the man, who took offence to it because I could feel him pushing his forearm into my neck, closing almost all the breathing space I had.

I could feel myself losing consciousness, my vision starting to blur. I could hear sounds around me, but I couldn't identify what, all I could make out was that those sounds were loud. I could feel the pressure on my neck lighten, at the same time, my face was splashed with a warm liquid. The man who was once in front of me fell to the ground, revealing another man standing behind him. I could make out a face with hair, blonde hair. It had to be...Leon. Right?

"Y/N, are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say, it was Leon's, but it sounded so far away. I could feel myself losing balance as the world around me turned dark.

Leon's P.O.V

"Shit." I say as I quickly catch Y/N. She's unconscious. I gently lay her down onto the ground, her head against my lap. I checked her pulse, it was slow, but she was breathing. Shit. How the hell did this happen? We were careful with her move from the extraction point to here, how the hell did someone find out? Even still, this place is supposed to be guarded with maximum security. Agents and security were supposed to be spread out on every floor. I gritted my teeth. I checked my gun for any ammo, I called in for backup. If there was anyone still in the hotel after her, I would be putting her in danger if I tried getting out of here with her in my arms. It was too risky. They need her alive. Claire needs her alive. I need her alive.

I looked down to examine her face. She wasn't injured as far as I could tell. I felt proud of her. I felt proud that she was able to react to the situation and lock herself in here, giving me time to get to her. I looked around the bathroom. The white wall beside us now covered in a dead man's blood. I rested my back against the bathtub, sighing. I spotted a plastic fork on the ground, it was in rough condition. I arched my brow. What the fuck is a fork doing in the bathroom? A thought came to mind. If that was her weapon of choice, I think it's about time I get her a metal one.

I hear footsteps approaching the room. I aimed my gun at the bathroom door, keeping my guard up. It was backup. I immediately scooped Y/N up in my arms to make our grand escape. As we fled the hotel, the backup I called for surrounded us in a protective formation, making sure nothing could harm me and Y/N. We finally made it out. There was a car waiting for us. I gently put her in one of the backseats of the car, buckling her seatbelt before getting in myself.

I don't know why they want Y/N so bad, but I won't let them have her.


A/N: Idk how I feel about this chapter or the last. It doesn't have the 'spark' I feel,  like the 'spark' I feel with my other chapters. Enough of that though, I'll see you in the next chapter!

LOVE AND CHAOSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang