Information Over Coffee

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A/N: Was playing RE2R and almost shit my pants at everything. Anyway, have fun!


(F/C) = Favourite Coffee

(Sorry to the people who don't enjoy coffee.)

Reader's P.O.V:

I woke up to a bright light, shining in my face. Squinting my eyes, I found myself facing a sliding glass door leading to a balcony. Whoever put me in this room forgot to draw the curtains. I groaned and sat up. Where the hell am I? I looked around the room, where the hell am I. I almost fell out of the bed while trying to get onto my feet. My body aches all over, it would be nice to have painkillers right now. I walk over to the balcony door, unlocking it before sliding open the door to slip out. I stare in awe. The sun was almost done rising, it was beautiful. I looked down to the city below, there weren't many cars on the street, it looked like it was still early in the morning. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. It felt like one of those mornings where I could just escape reality and drift into one where everything wasn't horrible. One where I could feel happiness for the first time again.

Even still, I couldn't drift away, not right now. I still needed to figure out my location. I walked back inside the room, sliding the door shut behind me. I looked around the room. It looked like a simple hotel room, it wasn't too cramped, I had space to move around. There was a little circle table, for lounging, eating you name it. I looked at the nightstand next to the bed I woke up on. There weren't many things on top of it. Just a glass of water with two books, supplied by the hotel I assume. Then my eyes landed on them, painkillers.

I recall the events of last night. I didn't have anything on me because it all happened too fast. I was talking on the phone with Claire, then, all of a sudden, I'm in the back of a van, property of my capturers. I suddenly saw his eyes. Leon. He saved me. I put my arms around my body, reminiscing about our short time together last night. A smile spread across my face. I haven't felt anything like that in a while, it felt amazing. Speaking of Leon, where exactly is he? I mean, I don't think I'm wrong to assume he was the one who brought me here.

I looked at the T.V, it was on top of a set of drawers. I spot the remote right beside it. Might as well catch up with the world, I don't know how long I was knocked out for. I turned on the T.V and began flipping through channels. Nothing exciting seemed to have taken place. I found a news channel displaying the time and date. April 15th 6:54 AM. Just a couple minutes shy from 7 AM. I was knocked out for a day.

What am I supposed to do here? I have no forms of entertainment, only the T.V, but even still these shows were pretty outdated. It would really be nice to have some sort of company or something, but if I'm in here, I'm probably not supposed to interact with many people, for, you know, safety reasons. My mind suddenly trailed its way to Claire. Oh my God! Claire! On instinct I started shuffling around to look for my phone, but I gave up after a second, realizing I was in here with no way of communicating to the outside world. I flopped onto the bed, a coffee would be really nice right now. I just frowned, they didn't even set me up with a coffee maker in here. I thought coffee makers were essential to hotel rooms.

While I moped around in my bed sheets, I heard a knock at the door. Oh goodie! Maybe somebody who can actually entertain me. I slumped out of bed and walked to the door. I tried peeking through the little door hole but it was a bit foggy, gross. Please protect me God, I thought as I swung the door open.

"Leon?" I say out loud, covering my mouth immediately. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud."

"It's alright, how do you feel? You feeling the withdrawal effects without your daily coffee?"

"Haha. Very funny, Kennedy." I say, shooting him a playful yet unimpressed look. Earning a smirk from him.

"Here. I knew you wouldn't be able to survive without it. You should be thanking me, you know, thanking me that I brought you your (F/C)."

"How'd you know it was my favourite?"

"Why wouldn't I? I watched you order at least 5 cups of the same drink at the café." Okay. Maybe I was an addict. But the thought of him remembering that little detail about me stuck.

I let him into the room and took a seat at the little circular table, Leon following my lead.

"So, what brings you here Leon? You miss me or are you here to talk about what I missed on the day I was out cold?"

"Bold of you to assume I missed you." Sarcasm coating his words. "But I am here to talk. Tell me, Y/N. What do you know about the exchange your company and Umbrella are doing?"

"Wait. Umbrella's behind this as well?"

"Looks like you don't know everything. Tell me what you know and then we'll talk about it."

I recounted the email I read to Leon, he looked deep in thought. He looked up at me, his blue eyes piercing through mine.

"You're in danger, Y/N. Do you know why your company is doing this?" I pondered about it, but I was never sure why.

"My guess is as good as yours."

"Power and money, Y/N, power and money. If this project is successful, they'll sell the virus at prices barely anyone can afford. Giving them the control they've always wanted. Even if the project is unsuccessful, it'll still come out as a success. Let's say the virus ends up backfiring, turns them know, then they'll sell vaccines, which would be near impossible to get your hands on. Of course they'd still have to think of a marketing strategy, but if they do, then, it'll be a world full of chaos." Umbrella. They were still set on that plan, huh. Turning mankind into bio weapons, it's just horrifying. It wouldn't work, ever.

"Why won't Umbrella just let this idea rest? Why would they turn humankind into a type of weaponry, it just isn't right."

"Who knows Y/N, it's my job to stop this plan of theirs. Maybe I'll finally find out why they won't stop." I looked at Leon with admiration, he was always like this. Wait.

"Leon, what even is your job anyway? You didn't tell me at the café. Matter of fact, do you know why I'm here? It's rather boring here. Anyway, answer my questions. Now." I heard him sigh.

"No point in hiding it now. I work as an agent for the government." I'm sorry, what?

"You're here under direct orders of the president." what.

"The president wants you here because your company's plan was to experiment on you, you would've been their first victim if I wasn't given orders to apprehend you, I was given orders to watch over you, to protect you." This is all way too much. Agent? Presidential orders? First victim? Protect me?

I assume Leon could tell I was in a state of shock because I felt him place a hand on my shoulder. I looked him in the eyes. I could feel my own fear radiating off of me. If Leon hadn't gotten there in time, I would've been experimented on. They would 've taken my DNA, they would've poked needles into me, they would've used me up for all I'm worth before eventually letting me die. They would've put me in excruciating pain. I didn't ever want to go out like that.

I could feel Leon pull me into his chest. The smell of cologne and leather from his jacket filling my nose. I knew Leon could protect me like he said he would, he already proved himself of that title a while ago. I could feel his hand stroking my head, playing with my hair. His other hand was rubbing my back. I could feel myself getting tired, regardless of the fact I had just drank a cup of coffee. I kept my face buried in Leon's chest, I trusted him more than anything right now.

"I won't let anything or anyone hurt you, Y/N. Not then, not now, not ever. You're safe with me."

I heard him say before drifting off into dreamland. Knowing that I would be able to sleep peacefully with Leon keeping me away from any harm.


A/N: This story is starting to confuse me 😓. Hopefully I can tie it together in the end!

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