Café Conversations

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A/N: Hey! I hope you excused any incorrect grammar in the last chapter if there was any, just try and focus on this one, okay? I hope you enjoy ^^


(J/C) = Job of Choice

(E/C) = Eye Colour

Reader P.O.V

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Claire called out my name.

"Hey Y/N! Over here!" She called.

I quickly made my way over to her, some people turning their heads to look at me.

Claire gives me a big smile before getting up to give me a hug.

"I've missed you." She says, letting go of me and placing her hands on my shoulders, as if trying to get a good look at me. She scanned my features and spoke out loud.

"Wow, you look so..different from the last time I saw you, not that it's a bad thing of course!"

I gave it some thought, the last time she saw me was Racoon, it's only been 2 years.;Then again, I was bound to change, the events of Racoon weren't exactly going to do me any favours, not then, and especially not now. I envied Claire, she looked as if Racoon never had an affect on her life, but it isn't fair that I think of her like this, she went through the same shit I went through, maybe even worse, she just moved on faster than me, at least I think she did.

"Uh hellooo, earth to Y/N?" I heard her call out.

"Oh, sorry Claire, I just feel a bit out of it right now. I could say the same thing about you, not different, just, changed, in a good way of course." I say, flashing her a smile.

She just gave me a smug grin.

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment." She says, sarcasm laced in her words.

She watched how my eyes drifted over to her company.

"I hope you don't mind that I brought Leon, I probably should've told you over the phone but I..." She rambled on, but I was quick to cut her off.

"Don't worry, Claire, I really don't mind." I said, but was that the truth? Would it be lying if I said I didn't think about Leon every other chance I got? Was it the truth that I missed him? I just didn't know how to separate the truth from the lies, but one thing was certain, the spark between me and Leon was gone,  we were like strangers again, just like that night you first met in Racoon.

It was clear Claire could sense the tension because just a couple seconds later she cleared her voice.

"Sooo, anything new with you Y/N? It has been a while since we've last seen each other. Sorry if I seem pushy but it has been a hot minute." She says, I thought about it for a couple seconds. Has there been anything new in your life? It was the same as it always was, eat, sleep, work repeat. Life has gotten better though, I enjoy my job, but still, it isn't completely back to normal, it probably never will be. I quickly came up with a thought.

"You know, same old, same old. Although I've been enjoying work more, I think I've finally found my calling as a (J/C)." This earned you a laugh from Claire and a nod of approval from Leon. How does he just sit there and look so...calm? I thought about it and came to the decision of asking him how he was in life.

"So Leon, I think I've shared enough, why don't you tell us how you're doing? Anything new and exciting occur in your life?" I noticed how he tensed up. Maybe he hasn't moved on from Raccoon either.

"Nothing new, other than a new job." I guess he doesn't like to share as much anymore, how upsetting, I really did want to know how he was doing.

Leon cleared his throat and moved onto Claire, wow did she have a lot to share. As she went on and on about her job and how she and Sherry were doing, I listened rather intently but the other seat at the table? Not so much, actually, it felt as if his attention was on me. I didn't want to seem rude and point it out so I just let it happen. That was until it became unbearable and I glanced over to him, his beautiful ocean eyes meeting your own (E/C) ones. He was quick to look away.

3rd Person P.O.V

After what seemed like hours of food and conversation, you all decided to wrap up. Claire needed to pick up Sherry, and you weren't sure if you wanted to sit in the Café alone with Leon, not that you didn't trust him, it was just that you were a little nervous to talk to him. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk earlier so you didn't want to push your luck.

You all left the building together, going different ways once outside. Claire gave you a wave, which you returned and Leon just turned around to look at you. You glanced over to him while you waved goodbye to Claire, then you started making your way to your car to take cover from the outdoor noise.

You sat inside the car, hands on the wheel, key in the ignition, but you hadn't started driving, you just thought about your meetup. You softly hit the wheel in a rhythmic pattern, never would you have expected to see Leon Kennedy again in your life, but you couldn't exactly complain. You wondered how different your life could be now that Leon decided to re-enter it after 4 years of no communication. You sighed, yeah right, as if he would start talking to you now that he remembers you exist.

You backed out of the parking lot, careful not to hit anyone or anything. On the drive back your mind just kept wandering back into Leon's gaze, intense, but soothing.


A/N: I hope this chapter isn't too disappointing, to be honest there isn't much going through my head right now, but I hope this is alright for now. My next chapter will definitely improve (hopefully)!

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