right next door // part one | p.p.

Start from the beginning

"uh, no, nothing like that," you hesitated. he seemed very stoic, in no mood for small talk, or to converse in general. "but thanks for what you did. i didn't need the help, i could have handled it on my own, but... um, thanks."

"did you a favor," he shrugged, "you weren't really getting anywhere with that."

you frowned at his bluntness, but bit back a retort. he was willing to help you, this complete stranger. and for that, you were grateful.

picking up one of the lighter boxes, you followed after him on the stairs. "so... um... i'm y/n. l/n," you added after a second.

"peter parker," was all he said, and you nodded as if you hadn't previously known that.

"nice to meet you, peter."

"what room do you live in?"

"e12." you stopped yourself from adding right next to you.


"what about you?"


"w-where do you live?"


"oh," you smiled, as if you didn't know that as well. "that's so cool! we're neighbors!"


it seemed like that was sarcastic, so you decided that it was best to maybe shut up. so that's what you did.

after a while, you were able to get all your boxes (with peter doing most of the work). you stood in your flat with your hands on your hips as peter put the last box down. "seriously," you breathed, "thank you so much. i have no idea what i'd do if you weren't there."

"negotiate with russian twins and get nowhere."

you laughed nervously, unsure of whether or not that was a joke. "um, you can stay a little longer, if you'd like. or not. that's fine, too." you were hoping he'd stay, even though you literally had nothing for him to sit on. there was no furniture... but maybe he'd want to stay anyways?

"i'm good."

"o-okay, peter. see you around?"

without another word, he slipped out of your apartment, shutting the door behind him.

you thought that moving in next to peter would make you a little less lonely, and maybe you'd make a new friend.

but perhaps your mother was right. what if you weren't ready for all this?

new job, new home, new state... new everything.

you were all alone in the big city.

but- but it would be okay, you decided, shaking your head. "it's fine. i can do this. i'm going to do this. today was a minor setback, which my mom doesn't need to know about... and i need to make new friends before talking to myself becomes a habit."

you stood in the middle of your flat, grinning. nothing was going to stop you from achieving your dream.


your new job at the daily bugle wasn't going to start for another week, so you had time to unpack and adjust. music blared from the speakers, helping you get into your new groove. you sang and danced around to it, laughing like a fool (you were sleep deprived).

you took the plastic wrapping off the couches and adjusted them to where you liked, with much struggle, of course. next came chairs and tables, and you were glad to get those out of the way. once you'd completed moving and unpacking some of the bigger things, you had gotten bored.

peter parker/tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now