7. Soup = Potion

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Anna walked with the marauders all the way to the mess hall. To great surprise the boys weren't very annoying. That was until Sirius said something very random.

"You know, for a Slytherin, you're not that bad." Sirius said with a shrug.

"And what is so bad about Slytherins?" She asked calmly.

James piped up for his friend.

"Oh nothing! Most of them are kind of a stick in the mud."

"You know, I've found that the girls are annoying and rude, most of the boys either ignore me, try to annoy me, or just sit in silence and talk about random facts." Anna said.

"Sounds about right." James chuckled.

"Yeah, you seriously don't act like most of the Slytherins we met." Peter added.

"Oh?" Anna replied.

"Yeah, honestly the worst ones are Regulus and Snivellus." Sirius added.

"I met Regulus, he thinks he's annoying but him brutally failing at truly being a bother is both annoying and amusing. But, I've never heard of a... 'Snivellus'?" Anna had already pieced together that 'Snivellus' was nothing but a cruel nickname.

"Oh- well one time we slipped up on saying a kids name and it stuck?" Sirius caught on that he made a bad move.

Anna sighed and turned to Remus. "Your friends are terrible at lying."

Remus gave an awkward smile and shrugged.

Anna looked at Remus and then at the others. She figured that Remus wasn't actually rude, but he was just quiet. So she couldn't say for sure.

"We aren't lying!" James said trying to seem genuine.

"Yes you are it's as plain as your glasses. Also I actually happen to get along with Severus, he's not that bad. Quiet but not bad." She hissed before walking off.

It made her blood boil that Sirius would so willingly say something rude about his own brother! And then call someone else by a cruel name and then lie about how it came.

She sat down as the Slytherin table and sighed.

Severus was again sitting across from her. He looked over and blinked.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes I just met a bunch of Arschlöcher, I'll get over it." She replied.

"I'm assuming Arschl-whatever means 'assholes?" The familiar voice of Regulus asked as he sat beside her. "Or I assume so since you walked in with my brother."

Anna turned and looked at Regulus, shooting daggers.

"I can understand sibling rivalry but downright telling others shit about your brother is just low. Stop it!" She snapped at him.

Regulus' expression contained a flicker of shock, but then it went to amusement.

"You really woke on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"Leave her alone, it's her first day." Severus spoke to Regulus.

"Unlike some, I won't hide behind a mask of innocence purely cause it's her first day." Regulus replied pointedly.

"Does no one get along here?" Anna sighed.

"I mean, we get along sometimes." Severus replied, "Regulus and I mostly study together, considering he struggles with potions."

Anna almost laughed.

"Potions?" She asked turning to Regulus, who blushed.

"Only sometimes! I usually get it right!" He spoke defensively.

"Sure." She turned back to Severus, "I quite enjoy potions, I find them calming. It's a lot like making a soup if you think about it."

Severus thought for a moment and then his face lit up. "It is isn't it?"

"Why would you compare it to a soup?" Regulus scrunched his nose.

Anna looked at Regulus. "Have you never cooked?"

"No." He said keeping his nose scrunched. "That's an elves job."

"Ah, so you're privileged I see." Anna replied.

"You didn't have to phrase it that way!" He spat.

"Learn to accept the truth, it'll do you some good." Anna countered.

"Anyway." Severus began, "It's like a soup because you add vegetables which are like herbs and various animal parts, even different fluids sometimes."

As soon as Severus said this it dawned on Regulus what it meant.

"Don't forget spices which give a little extra kick." Anna added.

"OH..." Regulus groaned. "I'm a bloody idiot."

"There you go, accepting the truth." Anna grinned.

She earned a shove and she simply laughed.

"You shove like a child."

"I was trying not to hurt you." Regulus replied.

"I see." She turned to Severus, "What's your favorite potion?"

Severus thought carefully. "Hm... Probably Confusing Concoction. Simply because it's not too easy. But I want to be able to learn how to brew Wolfsbane. I think it would be a fun challenge."

"Fun, if you get Wolfsbane down, let me know. We will have to do some kind if celebration." Anna replied.

Severus gave a small smile and nodded before going back to eating.

Regulus seemed annoyed and didn't really look at Anna, he was probably embarrassed.

So Anna simply returned to her own food as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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