2. Hogwarts Express

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Anna had gotten off the boat and walked into London. Looking around she wasn't sure who was supposed to meet her out here and take her to the 'Hogwarts Express'. But she did know someone was supposed to.

A gust of foggy wind came and blew her hair into her face. Anna simply pushed her hair out of her face. She had a cart with her trunk and owl on it.

The girl sighed and scanned the area before putting her finger in the cage with Blasen. He chittered and gently nipped her finger before rubbing his head against it.

A small smile appeared on the girls face. She gently scratched the side of Blasen's face.

"It's only you and me now." She did to the owl.

"Well, it was 'til a secon' ago, now wasn' it?" A friendly voice called to her.

Anna looked up and saw a very large man, he had friendly beady eyes, a scruffy long beard and mustache, and a smile hidden by his mustache.

"Might yer be one Anna Fehlter?" He asked kindly.

"Yes, that would be me. Who might you be?" She asked calmly.

"The name's Hagrid, keeper o' the keys o' one Hogwarts school." He beamed with pride.

"I see. So you're to take me to the express?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Yes ma'am. I'll show ya' to the Hogwarts Express, an' then I need to run me some errands. But, er, don't let tha' brother ya' now." He chuckled a little as he spoke.


"Ya' got yer ticket?" He asked.

"Yes, headmaster Karkaroff made it very clear to not lose it." She responded.

"Good, good, well, off we go then!" Hagrid said cheerfully as he began to walk.

Anna followed him.

"So, I'ma take ya' to platform nine an' three quarters. Then you can get on the train an' head off." Hagrid spoke again.

Anna nodded. She wasn't used to friendly staff members of a school. It was a bit odd, but she didn't mind it.

"Hagrid," she called to the man.

"Yes?" He looked over as he walked.

"There isn't a platform nine and three quarters." She pointed out.

"Sure there is!" He laughed and lowered his voice, "It's uh, just hidden from muggles yer know?"

"I see... And you'll show me how to find it?"

"O'course I will! You see platforms nine and ten?" He pointed to the platforms.

"Yes." She followed his gaze.

"Well, nine is a passageway to the on' an' only Hogwarts Express!" He said again sounding proud of himself. "Well, I better be off. Got lots o' errands to run."

Hagrid left before Anna could respond. She sighed and made her way to platform nine. She looked at her train ticket then at the platforms.

She looked at the platform, there were four pillars labeled nine.

"Trivial isn't it, Blasen?" She muttered as she looked at them.

"Well, there is nine, then nine and a quarter, nine and two quarters, so this must be.."

She walked to a pillar. "Nine and three quarters. But that's still a muggle train." She sighed and put her back to the pillar.

"Nine and three quarters, nine and three quarters," she muttered as she went to lean on the pillar, "Nine and three- wahh!" She exclaimed in surprise as she fell right through.

She looked at the new pillar that replaced the one she had tried to lean on and it read. 9¾.

She chuckled. "Clever."

Anna then stood and grabbed her cart pulling it through onto platform 9¾. She looked at the bright red train and slowly boarded it.

She went to one of the little compartments and put her trunk on the floor and Blasen in front of her.

"Well, we found the express. So how long do we wait for it to go?" She spoke to her owl. Blasen had just finished preening his feathers, then buried his head under a wing to take a nap.

Anna sighed and shook her head amusedly. "Sweet dreams my little Blasen."

Transfer From Durmstrang; A Harry Potter Fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt