Alastor - A Commerical?

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There we were, just smiling at each other in the silence. But before I could say anything, Amelia said, " Why are you always smiling, Alastor?"

Why do I always smile? My grin grew slightly as I answered her question, "Because, dear, a smile is a powerful tool; it keeps your enemies guessing, inspires your friends, and ensures that no matter what comes your way," I pointed my microphone at her, as I said, "you're the one in control."

My smile became a regular close-lipped one; this was true, but not completely. I also smile for one other person, my dear mother. I'll always keep smiling for you

My curiosity grew, so putting my microphone down, I asked, "Why is it you smile, dear?"

Before she could respond to my question, Vaggie made an announcement, "Okay, so Charlie is dealing with something very important,"

I used my shadow to teleport over onto the chair beside the couch as Amelia simply walked over, standing next to me. Angel Dust was giving flirty looks to Husk as he was angerily glaring at Angel, and Nifty happily sat in the middle. 

Vaggie started to pace around as she spoke, "So while she's gone, we are making a new commercial. One that represents her vision and what we're doing here. So we need a camera, Alastor?" she held her hand out as if she expected something from me. 

I closed my eyes and was about to snap my fingers when someone did it before me,  Amelia. I opened my eyes as a camera appeared in Vaggie's hand. 

Vaggie pumped her hand in the air and excitedly announced, "Alright, let's do this!". 

Vaggie asked for Angel and Husk to come over to the bar for their line in the commercial as Nifty left chasing a bug. 

Leaving me and Amelia, I turned to face her as if she knew what I was thinking, she leaned down to my ear. As she answered the question I'd asked earlier, "Control, dear."

I could glance at Amelia's large smile shining off the reflection of the light just before she snapped and disappeared. Interesting fellow, indeed. And what more she has instore for me, why I can't wait. She'll be quite the entertainment, though some part of me wishes for her presence. I hate it.

I looked around the room, it was silent, I must have been so busy thinking I didn't notice. I snapped my fingers happily; I was in the store for entertainment. 

Vaggie was sitting in front of the television, sighing in anger, as I decided to make myself noticeable, "Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, hm?"

Vaggie angerily replied, "Why are you even here? You and Amelia, are you two some type of shitass team or something?" My ear flickered a bit as I closed my eyes at the thought. Me and Amelia? We hardly know each other, yet we look so much alike...why?

I sat down on the couch, explaining my simple reasoning, "No. Why Amelia's here is not my current concern, dear. I'm simply here for the entertainment! I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly!" I walked over to Vaggie, gesturing at her, "Like you are doing now! Good job!"

Vaggie stood up with Amelia's camera as she pointed it at me, angerily explaining, "And here's Alastor, the egocentric piece of shit that-"

Vaggie jumped back, letting go of the camera, as sparked it out of her hands, "I wouldn't try that, my dear." I pointed at myself, "This face was made for radio." My neck turned into an awkward position as my smile widened, and my eyes became radio dials.

Vaggie's fear was an amazing feeling until her face became a regular angered one. As she walked towards me angerily, "I don't care who or what you are," she pointed at me, "You are staying here; you're going to make this work because it won't be so entertaining," she waved her hands in the air, in attempt to imitate me, " To watch over an empty hotel, will it, shitass?"

She was correct. No matter how much I just wanted to watch this happen, something had to happen. "Fair enough." I walked over to Vaggie, "I'll tell you what, let's make a deal."

Vaggie looked at me knowingly, "You think I'm that stupid to make a deal with a demon like you?"

I waved my arms away as she sat down, "Not for your soul, just a simple deal! I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again." She looked doubtful, I might have to do a little more convincing. "Or Charlie and come back to absolutely nothing. Your choice."

She thought about it briefly before sighing, "Fine." She picked up the camera on the ground and handed it to me as I put the deal on the camera. 

A green glow surrounded the camera as Vaggie looked at it fearfully. A smashed it out of sight, "Now then!" I snapped my fingers.

A bunch of camera-working demons appeared, as a set appeared, with a bunch of equipment appeared with everything else. With that, I teleported everyone here, Angel, Nifty, Husk, and...I can't. Amelia. Her presence, I feel it, but I can't touch it like everyone else. The darkness that surrounds the demon's soul, there's so much...interesting. Unique, isn't she?

I decided to leave it; showing any weakness in front of these wayward souls would be quite a mistake. I changed everyone's clothing to become more...fashionable, including my own.

Vaggie looked in awe as she smiled and announced to everyone, "Alright, everyone, let's make a fucking commercial."

From there, I watched as Vaggie directed everyone on their lines and roles. It wasn't soon until Amelia made her way, to see all the commotion. Everyone was too busy to notice her arrival, but I did. 

She teleported next to me, my closed-lipped smile became my regular wide-smiling one. As she spoke, "I felt that," I looked at her from the side. She was looking at the making of the happening commercial. But it was more than obvious she was talking to me, "I would suggest that you don't try me, Alastor. Or you may not see another day of entertainment." Her smile grew as she walked away.

A threat? Wow. I think that'd be the first real threat I've received from anyone. I'm intrigued and entertained, indeed. 

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