Extermination preparation

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You wake up and get dressed you look at your hand just glass scars now so you remove the bandages before going downstairs you look online to see if there's any clothing that can hide weapons you see that a store sells them for defense

You go downstairs see nifty asking vaggie questions

Niffty: so like where are your wings

Vaggie: niffty I don't have-

Angel: did you ever think she's sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits

You hold in laugh

Niffty: yeah. Where are your tits?

Niffty pulls on vaggie shirt to look for her very flat tits before getting dropped on the ground by vaggie

Vaggie: any other questions?

Husk: I got one. How come every time Charlie talks to heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?

Vaggie: it's not her fault angels are just-

You nod agreeing

Angel: liars?

Vaggie: difficult... but Charlie's trying her best.

Husker: yeah, well, her best is turning out real well so far.

You sneak out the door and go buy the clothes that hide weapons you also go buy some other clothes to wear over top of it kinda like rip off clothes you go back to your room and modify some weapons you check the clothes your first bought and notice some angel blood in a little bottle

You use some of it and some of your blood and make very strong weapons you put on the clothes and the rip off ones and head out of the room only to see Charlie walking down the hallway

Charlie tells you about the carmilla carmine killing a exorcist

Charlie: you wanna come with

You nod and keep smiling cuz alastor told you it can help trick people

Charlie: three years three years I tell her everything. My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities. My embarrassing habits.

Y/n; maybe she was worried on how you would react and didn't tell you yet because she didn't expect this

Charlie: still she lied to me about a big thing. What fucking deodorant I like. And she keeps something like this from me. Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her and now I just noticed your wings what!

Y/n: I only found out about them yesterday ok!

Charlie: what about me, ME, says un understanding. Misunderstanding disunder wait, where are we?

Alastor: cannibal town!

Y/n: how nice...

You say trying to hold a smile

Alastor: there's a friend of mine I think you should meet.

Charlie: In cannibal town? But it's- its.. surprisingly nice here

Alastor: isn't it, though?

[Alastor opens the door for charlie as they enter Rosie's Emporium, where they meet the Cannibal Overlord herself at her desk speaking to a young woman at the front of a long line.]

Rosie: well who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would if he didn't taste so bad! Hehe, I tell ya what, you bring ol' tall dark and armless to me, and i'll straighten him right out, Okay sweetie? *gives her card* here's my card a- *notices Alastor* Oh, my, stars! Do my eyes deceive me? *peeks through crowd* Alastor? *makes her way through* Alastor! Where have you been??? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and- *notices Charlie* Oh. Who's this ya brought with ya? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you! *Charlie rolls her eyes* Just kidding. i know you got a eye for someone else's candy

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