✯ 47 ✯ Races and Changes

Start from the beginning

"Look at him go! In a maze like this it makes sense to be above everything else!" Kirishima cheered.

"So that means Sero is at an advantage because he can take to the sky," Shoji said.

Suddenly Izuku passed by Sero causing everyone to be surprised.

"Woah! Midoriya?!" Kaminari and Mineta cried.

"Since when could he do that?" Kaminari asked.

"Crazy, those jumps he looks just like-" Ochaco said.

In the end Izuku slipped allowing Sero to arrive first. All Might gave some encouragement and I chuckled.

Group two was up next, which consisted of Sato, Katsuki, Momo, Koda, and Kyoka. Katsuki of course came first.

Group three consisted of Aoyama, Shoji, Hagakure, Shoto, and Kaminari.

The last group consisted of Tsu, Kirishima, Ochaco, Tokoyami, Mineta, and I. As we began leaving I heard people placing most of their bets on Tokoyami or Tsu, with Momo admitting that Mineta was also an alright choice.

"(L/N) can use her whip to sling herself forward," Kaminari hummed in thought.

"But Tokoyami and Tsu would have an easier time getting above the labyrinth and staying there," Kyoka said.

I looked over to Izuku, Tenya, and Shoto with a smile before placing my finger over my lips. They smiled at me as I walked off to my starting place.

"Alright everyone, let's begin!" All Might called.

I heard the buzzer and immediately allowed my wings of light to sprout from the back of my costume. I flew up above the labyrinth and shot towards the number one hero as soon as I spotted him.

Now I still have to work on my speed, but after all the training I think I've managed to get half as fast as Tenya. Which allowed me to reach All Might very fast.

"Young (L/N), I'm very impressed!" All Might smiled, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, All Might," I smiled.

Tokoyami was next to arrive, then Tsu, Mineta, Ochaco, and Kirishima in that order. I was given the winner's banner before we were all unstructured to go change back.

"Wow (Y/N)! You have wings?" Ochaco asked.

"No way! That's so manly!" Kirishima cheered.

"Thanks, but I'm still learning. I still lose focus and fall sometimes," I replied.

Eventually we separated to go to our separate bathrooms and change. I felt as if something was about to happen, but I couldn't remember anything.

"(Y/N)?" Momo asked.

"Nothing," I replied, taking off my shirt.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Tsu asked.

"Oh...well, just an accident during the attack. Pretty cool scar huh?" I asked.

"Sure, but it's still worrying," Kyoka replied.

"I think it looks cool!" Mina cheered, hugging me from behind.

I suddenly heard yelling from the next bathroom and I remembered.

The peep hole!

I looked around before spotting it and rushing over and covering it with my hand.

"Kyoka," I whispered.

She nodded, seemingly understanding what I was calling her over for. She plugged one of her jacks into the wall and I waited.

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