✯ 5 ✯ Blue Fury

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

Why didn't he tell me?


"Hey Touya," I smiled.

I looked to see the boy in his room with some bandages around his limbs.

"Hey shortcake," Touya replied, a new nickname he had for me.

I rolled my eyes, but sat next to the boy anyway.

"You're hurt again," I sighed.

"I was training," Touya replied.

"You need to be more careful," I said.

Touya held out his arm and I gently held it in mine. My hands glowed a bit as I used my quirk a bit. After his father had moved to hit me he ended up training more often. His burns, luckily, weren't ever too bad and were easily solved by using a bit of my quirk. However, his burns were a little worse than before.

"Touya, it's been two years," I said.

"Do you want me to give up?" Touya asked harshly.

"You know that isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying you need to be careful. You can't be a hero if you're dead. Then who would be my hero partner?" I asked.

"Natsuo?" Touya suggested.

"You're kidding right? He'll end up freezing me and not the villain," I scoffed.

Touya snorted a bit and I smiled. Eventually we broke into a fit of laughter.


How could I have known?

Touya always smiled when I was around, which had been less and less due to Endeavor's request.

No, that is exactly why I should've known. Endeavor couldn't do anything to Shoto with my mother around, and he couldn't do anything against the others while I was around.

We prevented his abusive behavior.

Why did I not force my mom to take me?

It was my fault.


Running isn't my favorite thing to do. It wasn't the physical aspect of running that I disliked. No, I disliked how my lungs would practically collapse after just ten minutes.

But now I couldn't care about my lungs collapsing.

I had to make it there.

The first red flag was when I got to the Todoroki household and Touya wasn't there and neither was Endeavor. Natsuo had told me Endeavor was at work and that Touya had gone to train...

At Sekoto Peak.

Just the name made me run out of the house without another word.

Sekoto Peak.

The death of Touya Todoroki.

Birthplace of Dabi.

So running doesn't bother me, not now.

Stopping Touya was my only goal.

I just had to get there.

Talk to him, even if it was one word.

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