✯ 2 ✯ Elementary

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

I don't know when my parents decided to send me to public school, but they were quite nervous about it. Dad had decided to take a five-year break from his job so he could take me to elementary school and pick me up from it.

Now, I can't emphasize the fact that I am a nineteen-year-old girl mentally so elementary school should be a walk in the park. Shapes, addition, subtraction, colors, writing, reading, and other subjects are no problem.

However! I am terrified.

Now I don't necessarily have social anxiety, and I am not afraid of getting bad grades. What I am afraid of...is the children.

It sounds stupid, I know! But kids are usually honest, brutally so, as they don't necessarily have that filter that older kids do. So if a kid says you're ugly or you're weird it is usually true. That brutal honesty was what terrified me.

The elementary, luckily, wasn't too far from where I lived. So my dad decided that we'd walk there. I was wearing the uniform and had my backpack with my lunchbox on my back. When we arrived I saw a couple of the last parents dropping off their kids.

"Okay, baby girl. I want you to behave for your teacher and try and make some friends," my dad said, crouching down to my height.

"Okay," I replied.

"Ah, you're so grown already! Maybe we should just go get ice cream," my dad cried.

Now that was a tempting offer.

"No, no. Your mother would kill me," dad sighed.

"I'll be okay, papa," I assured.

My dad pulled me into a hug as if I were about to go into a battlefield.

"I love you," he said as he let me go.

"I love you too," I replied.

One of the teachers greeting the last couple of kids smiled kindly at me as I walked up to her.

"And what's your name?" she asked.

"(S/N), (Y/N). Please take care of me," I bowed.

"Ah! So respectful! Come, let's get you to class. I'm sure you're excited to make some friends," she cooed.

She gently grabbed my hand and we walked into the school. I looked around to see different classrooms for different age groups. The young kids seemed to be towards the back of the school while the older kids were closer to the entrance. The teacher then opened a classroom door and ushered me inside.

"Ah, you must be our last student. Please come in," the male teacher in front of the room said.

I let go of the female teacher's hand and walked further into the room.

"Now today we're just going to get to know each other. There are coloring books and toys you all can use," the teacher said.

He went over a couple of rules, mainly to treat each other kindly, before letting us loose in the room. Kids ran all over to the toys and coloring books, meanwhile, I just sat down. I looked around until I saw a head of messy green hair sitting in a corner seat. The kid seemed a little lonely as he played with an All Might toy.

Wait.... All Might toy, green messy hair, and...the kid is a boy.

There was no way, right?

Either this world was raining canon characters or I was going insane. I got up and walked over to the boy before tapping his shoulder.

"Um...hello. I'm (S/N), (Y/N). Would you like to play with me?" I asked.

As I looked closer I realized that this was, in fact, Izuku Midoriya. I don't understand how Uraraka and everyone else could call him ordinary looking, because he was quite distinct. His round face is framed by a short mop of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same shade of green as his hair.  He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek. He was so cute!

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