Part 15

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You layed down
He covered you with the blanket
He spooned you
Then the room went quiet
"Love you"-Tom
"You too"-you
He kissed your head
It was around 5:00
You were doing school homework
Maddie was over
She knew about Tom
"And I'm assuming he gave you these"-Maddie
She said looking at the flowers
"I always knew he liked you"-Maddie
"The way he looks at you"-Maddie
"Okay your cringing me out"-you
"I'm being serious!"-maddie
"Did you finish this?"-you
"Yea the paper is next to you"-Maddie
You copied the things from her paper
Maddie left for a soccer game and you and Tom were going shopping
"Don't spend too much much"-Tom
"I'm not going to!"-you
You both were in his car
You were playing music
You got out the car
You and him walked inside
"Okay I need to go into pink to go get a perfume that I want and I want your opinion on it"-you
You said putting your phone in your pocket
"Yea sure"-Tom
You looked around
"And I want a new shirt and a bathing suit because we got that trip to go to"-you
You said jumping around
"I'm surprised we both got our schedules cleared out so we can go"-Tom
(You and tom were going to Hawaii next weekend)
"And I need to go into Sephora"-you
You said in a quiet tone
"Your not going into Sephora"-Tom
"I just need to pick up something!"-you
"No you spend way to much in there I'm sorry I can't let you"-you
You rolled your eyes
"Don't roll your eyes at me"-Tom
You mocked him
You both were holding hands
And you guys had just walked into pink
"Y/n I don't want to be here"-Tom
"There's only girls in here and in the only boy"-Tom
"No your not look there's a boy there"-you
You said pointing and walking
"He's like ten"-Tom
"I'll make it quick okay"-you
You went to the perfumes
"Look smell this"-you
You said handing him the tester
"It smells weird"-Tom
"Alright what about this one"-you
"It smells to strong"-Tom
"And this one"-you
"I like it it smells really good"-Tom
"Okay I'll get this one and I need a new shirt"-you
"You already have shirts"-Tom
"But there's this really cute pink one"-you
You dragged him to go look for it
"You like it"-you
"Yea I like the color"-Tom
"Alright I'll get this one let's go"-you
He was carrying around 3 bags now
"And where's that one store"-you
"Maybe if you say the name I can help"-Tom
"You don't know where any stores are"-you
"Yes I do I've been here 6 times with you"-Tom
"Found it!"-you
You said walking towards it
You walked in
"Hey y/n"-macy
"Hey mace!"-you
"Your friends with the workers"-Tom
"Yea leave me alone"-you
You walked towards a shirt
"Here I want you to go try this on"-you
He left
After a few minutes he came back
"To shorts never mind"-you
You handed his another one
He came out
"I like this one"-you
You said fixing the collar
You took photos of him
"And now I wanted to go to to pacsun"-you
"For what"-Tom
"Nothing I just want to look"-you
He sighed
You looked at him
"Or we can go"-you
"No I didn't mean it like that"-Tom
"It sounded like it"-you
You said taking your bags from his hand
"Let's go home"-you
He took the bags back from you guys
"Wait out here then"-you
You said pushing his to the benches
He sat down and you left
You went into the store
Then you immediately seen a group of boys your age
You ignored them
You walked past them
You turned around
"Your y/n right"
You nodded
You were looking at some pants
"Your like mega famous huh"
You laughed
You found some pants
You were looking at them while you answered his questions willingly
"So you here you what your sister mom dad?"
"No I'm here with my boyfriend"-you
"Then why ain't he here with you?"
"I don't know I told him to wait"-you
"Well did you guys get in a fight"
"No it's just I think I'm annoying him so I let him wait outside while I look around"-you
You went up to the counter
He started talking to his friends
"Are you into him"
One of the others boys said
The girl scanned your pants
He said pointing at his friend
"We'll I don't know him"-you
"But you are in a fight with your boyfriend"
"Well it's not a fight it's just a little thing that happened"-you
You said putting in your card
"Can he get your number"
"I'm not allowed to give my number out"-you
You laughed
She handed you your bag
"Thank you"-you
"Of course"-girl
You walked away
They followed you out
"And where is he?"
"He's out here"-you
You said turning at the benches
Tom looked at the boys
"Shouldn't you be with him"
"She just said something happened with them"
"And how old is he"
"He's 17"-you
"And your that model right?"
"Yea I've seen you before"
They asked you about work and things
"Well it was nice talking bye"-you
You said waving bye
He said putting his hand out for a fist bump
You gave him one
You laughed
You walked up to Tom
He got up
"I'm ready."-you
You said in a low tone
"Can we go home"-you
"Yea who were those boys"-Tom
"Just some people"-you
You said looking down
"Hey I'm sorry"-Tom
"For what"-you
"For making you feel bad"-Tom
You made a confused face
"I walked in to see if you were okay and I heard you thought you were annoying me"-Tom
You looked down
"I'm sorry"-Tom
"it's okay"-you
He put his arm around you
"Thanks for checking up on me tho"-you
He smiled down at you
Then he kissed you
"Not in public"-you
"You act like people don't know"-you
"Yes but still"-Tom
He rolled his eyes
You copied him
He pushed you
You pushed him back
You backed up quickly
He started walking towards you
"Okay sorry sorry!"-you
He gave you a hug
Then he tickled you
You screamed
He said covering your mouth and looking around
You were at your house
Talking with your sister
"And then I was like why are you talking shit about me and you can do it to my face,and she was all no no I would never like shut the fuck up"-sister
"Bro she's so stupid she acts like her friends didn't rad her out on that"-you
"I know and that's what pisses me off"-sister
She said grabbing her keys
"Are you leaving"-you
"Yea gonna watch a movie with Juli"-sister
"Okay bye"-you
She shut the house door
You called Tom
He came over
You and him were in your room
He walked into your bathroom
You got up
You walked into the bathroom
He was picking at his eye
He lifted you onto the counter
"There's something in my eye and it hurts"-Tom
"What do you see"-Tom
"I see a sparkle"-you
(Jake and Tara momment🤪)
"Oh that just dils my pickle get it out"-Tom
"There's nothing wait there's and eyes lash on your water line"-you
You said taking it off
"It's fine thank you"-Tom
He said blinking and looking around
You were over at Tom's helping him pack for the trip
"This is so stupid it's only for like two days y/n"-tom
You said packing his clothes
"Oh and I want you to pack those glasses I bought you"-you
"Those are was to expensive to bring"-Tom
"I don't care bring them"-you
He got up and grabbed them
(You Tom bill and Maddie are going IK I said it was just you and Tom but I wanted to switch it up)
(And you guys will have time alone DW)
"Bill are you done!"-you
"Okay Tom's going to come with me to go help me with my things"-you
You said getting up
You pulled him downstairs
You guys went to your house
"Why do you have my crossing off a list"-Tom
"Because I don't want to forget anything"-you
"Oh look"-you
You said showing him a bathing suit
"And you wearing string to the beach"-Tom
"It's not strong it's a bathing suit why do you not like it?"-you
"I like it"-Tom
He helped you pack
"Where my camera"-you
You said looking around
"My suitcase you put it in there"-Tom
"Okay I think I'm done"-you
"Oh yeah!"-you
You said getting up and tossing it into your bag
"Okay and what else"-you
"You have your glitter thing"-Tom
"Oh yeah huh!"-you
You grabbed it off your desk
All four of you guys were on the plane
You and Tom were watching CARS
Tom was taking photos of you
He posted a photos of you watching cars
You both had a privacy compartment
Which was already up
Then you got a call
It was your mom
She was asking you if you were okay
"Want to talk to Tom"
You said
He looked at you with his eyes wide opened
He started shaking his head and mouthing "no"
"Yea hes right here, but he's a bit shy"
He mouthed
You handed him your phone
He put it on speaker
"Hi Tom"-mom
He said covering his face out of embarrassment
You were mouthing him what to say
Then after a few second late you took
your phone back
"He's a nice boy"-mom
"I know"-you
"Alright I want to you have fun and send me photos"-mom
"I will"-you
You were talking to Tom
"That's was so embarrassing"-Tom
"She said you were nice"-you
"But still i totally freaked"-Tom
"No you didn't it was fine!"-you
You said flicking his neck
"That's not helping"-Tom
He said covering his face
You gave him a hug
You guys switched the movie to 21 jump street
Tom wouldn't stop kissing your cheek
"Are you mad at me"-Tom
You shook your head
Keeping your eyes glued to the screen
He gave you another kiss
You leaned over and kissed him
Then they got deeper and deeper
You guys were both making out
He had his hands in your hair
You had your on his neck
Then you let the kiss go
Then you gave him a small peck on the lips
"Okay lets watch the movie"-you
He smiled
You guys got off the airplane late at night
You were sharing a room with Maddie
And next door was Tom and bill
"Ima go say good night"-you
She said keeping her eyes on the Nintendo
You left the room and went to there
You knocked on the door
Tom opened in and pulled you on and kissed you
"Are you going to sleep"-Tom
You went up to bill
"Good night love you"-you
You said kissing his cheek
Then he gave you a kiss on your cheek
"Love you to"-bill
You went up to Tom
"Goodnight love you"-you
"You too"-Tom
He said kissing your head
You gave him a hug and left
You guys got breakfast
"Holy shit"-you
"Your forgot something"-Maddie
"I forgot my glasses"-you
"And your gonna cry"-Maddie
You started to tear up
"I wanted to wear them!"-you
"Tom has the same one just use his"-Maddie
You left the room and wen to there's
He opened the door
"Why are you crying"-Tom
"I forgot my glasses"-you
"Use mine"-Tom
He said pulling your into the room

"-youYou said in a low tone "Can we go home"-you "Yea who were those boys"-Tom "Just some people"-you You said looking down"Hey I'm sorry"-Tom "For what"-you "For making you feel bad"-Tom You made a confused face "I walked in to see if you were ok...

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"I like what your wearing"-Tom
"Thank you"-you
He handed you his glasses
"Thank you again"-you
You put them on
He kissed you
"And I want to see if he still works here"-you
You guys were weakling on the doc of the beach
Going from store to store
"So is he like a friend you made"-Tom
"Yea super nice boy"-Maddie
You walked into the store
You seen him
He turned around
His face lit up
"Holy shit what are you doing here"-Amir
He gave you a hug
"Came on a vacation, Maddie's here too"-you
You moved he gave Maddie a hug
"This is Tom and bill"-you
"You guys are in Tokio hotel right?"-amir
"That's so cool,you're dating..."-Amir
He looked at Tom and bill
"Your dating him"-Amir
He said pointing at Tom
"I want to get in the water"-Maddie
"Let's go!"-bill
He said running to the water
Maddie chased him
You were sitting with Tom
You guys were set up a small place by the rocks
You were silent
Tom was taking photos of you
"Let's go in the water"-Tom
"Hold on"-you
He leaned over and kissed you
"Okay let's go"-you
You got up
You took off your shorts
"I'm scared"-you
"Of what"-Tom
He said taking off his shirt
"There are no sharks"-Tom
He laughed
He threw his shirt
You and him walked to the water
You guys got in
"No I'm leaving I'm leaving"-you
You said swimming back
"It's cold"-you
He pulled you back
He was tall so he could stand up
He was giving you a piggy back ride
You were massaging his shoulders
"Alright get your hair wet"-Tom
"Let me do it for you"-Tom
"Okay but be gentle"-you
He made you float on your back
You kissed him
Then one thing led to another
And you guys were making out
You pulled away
You swam to bill
You guys were still swimming
Bill was carrying you around while talking
You grabbed your phone before and you were filling you and bill talking
"Guys bill found some sea shells"-you
"And she scared because of sharks"-bill
"I really am"-you
He kissed your cheek
"Okay go with Tom ima go swimming okay"-bill
You nodded
You went with Tom
He carried you
"Guys now in with Tom"-you
You said kissing his head
"He's mad"-you
"No I'm not"-Tom
"It looks like it"-you
"Because the suns in my face"-Tom
He said furrowing his eye brows
"He's sassy"-you
Then he kissed your cheek
"Guys I like hanging out with Tom"-you
"Me too I love hanging out with myself"-Tom
"Fuck you"-you
"It was a joke"-Tom
He gave you a peck on your lips
Then you starts to mess around with his lip ring
You wanted to fill as much as you
could for memories
"I'll be right back okay"-Tom
"Okay can touch take my phone"-you
He took your phone
You and Maddie were rating sea shells
"I'm gonna go dry off"-you
"Okay bill and I will catch up"-Maddie
You walked up to Tom
"You're so tall!"-girl 1
She was touching his arm
He leaned down and kissed you
"Are you going to dry off"-Tom
Oh grabbed a towel and dried your hair
"You know you shouldn't be over here come with us and we'll show you a cooler spot"-girl 1
"I'm here with my brother my girlfriend and her friend so I wouldn't leave them"-Tom
You didn't really care
"It's your brother as cute at you"-girl 1
He looked at you
You smiled
"So this is your girlfriend"-girl 1
You ignored her
"Killer figure huh?"-tom
They both looked at you
You smiled at them
"Yea"-girl 1
She said looking you up and down
"I like your necklace"-you
"Thank you"-girl 2
You could automatically tell that girl 2 was nicer
Bill and Maddie came out the water
"He is cute"-girl 1
He said going up to bill and touching his shoulder
Maddie walked in between them
Making her hand get smacked down
He grabbed a towel and dried off

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