Part 2

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You went to there house
Which was huge
Bill gave you a tour
"So all four of you guys live here?"-you
"Is it hard?"-you
"Not really"-bill
"Alright now we can go"-bill
He grabbed your hand and headed outside
You sat in the back of the car with him
Tom and gustav were in the seats in front of you
And Georg was driving
Both of you guys were giggling in the back
Watching YouTube
You walked in
It was huge
"Holy shit"-you
You covered your mouth
Tom laughed
"It's okay"-Tom
Tom gave you a tour
Bill georg and gustav were in the recording room messing around with buttons
And you and Tom were upstairs talking
You both were showing each other your guys playlist
"You listen to MF DOOM too?!"-tom
He smiled
"You have a lot of German artist"-you
You said scrolling on his phone
"Do you know German"-Tom
You shook your head
"No but I'd want to know"-you
"I can teach you something"-Tom
"Like what"-you
"Uhhh numbers"-tom
"Okay go!"-you
"Okay first is eins"-tom
He went up to ten
"Wait so five is fünf?"-you
He nodded
You counted up to ten
"Yea good job"-Tom
He said giving you a high five
You and him got up and went downstairs
You were talking to Georg
He was very nice and funny
He was making you laugh a lot
It was after school
You were texting bill
You guys made plans to hang out at there house
It was going to be you Maddie Tom and bill
They lived down the block from you guys
You knocked on the door
Bill opened it
Tom was coming down the stairs
He gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek
Bill did too
Bill was a getting along with Maddie very well
(Nothing is happening with Maddie and bill.)
They were building a Lego set
And you and Tom were hanging out
You were going to an interview later that day
Both of you guys were watching YouTube
You thought it was a bit strange that you talked around five times and now you guys are over at there house watching YouTube.
"You look nice today"-Maddie
"Thank you"-you
"Who are you trying to impress"-Maddie
"No one just had a lot of free time"-you
"You sure your not trying to impress Tom?"-Maddie
"Are you stupid they don't go to our school"-you
"Are you stupid yes they do!"-Maddie
"I've never seen them"-you
"That's because they have all there classes in the other building idiot"-Maddie
"And how would you know that do you stalk"-you
"No I have all my classes in the other
"Holy shit do they actually go to our school?"-you
"Oh we'll term switched today are you going to switch your classes"-you
"Yea I sighed us up"-Maddie
"Alright you ready to go?"-you
You guys both went to school
It was during language arts
(I know you guys are seventeen but I do prefer you guys to be younger so if these classes sound like middle school that's why!!!)
"Y/n l/n And Madeline McGraw please come down the the office"
You and Maddie got up
You both went downstairs
And into the counselors office
"Hi girls!"-counselor
"Hi!"-you and Maddie
You both sat down
"Okay girls in assuming you guys are trying to switch your classes?"-counselor
Then the door opened
You turned around
"Oh there you guys are!"-counselor
💭no fucking way
"Alright here are you guys new schedules"-counselor
She handed them papers
"Are you guys switching your classes"-Maddie
"Yea you guys?"-bill
Maddie nodded
They both sat down
They stayed in the room with you guys
"Okay girls here are you
classes for term 3"-counselor
She handed you both papers
You turned around
Tom was sitting behind you
You showed him your schedule
"Bill they gave all there classes with us"-Tom
He nodded
"Okay we'll those classes start tomorrow"-councilor
"Okay well thank you so much"-you
"No prob girls"
You guys got up and left the room
"Do you guys have classes in this building"-you
"No we have classes in the other building"-Tom
"Oh alright"-you
You gave them hugs and left
You said going up the stairs
"Tom is so tall"-you
"Shut up"-Maddie
You guys got to class
"Y/n hurry the fuck uppp"-sister
You came downstairs
"I'm ready"-you
You and your sister were going to your parents business building
(Your guys parents were on a VERY LONG business trip in Hollywood)
(And they own a acting,modeling industry)
"Hey girls ruby is on floor 5"-office lady
A lot of people knew you and your sister
You both went up the elevator
And sat down with ruby in here office
"Okay y/n you are going to be interviewing Tokio hotel at the viva comet awards for
the best video got it?"-ruby
"Yes when"-you
"Uhhhh let me check"-ruby
She typed on her computer
"This Friday and then later that night you are going to the after party a bunch of celebrities are gonna be there and Adriana and Devon are going"-ruby
"Okay got it what am I wearing"-you
"Uhm I have this outfit that Marcus made"-ruby
"The Italian guy?"-sister
She nodded
"Can I see"-you
She went out the room and came back

THE NEXT DAY"You look nice today"-Maddie "Thank you"-you "Who are you trying to impress"-Maddie "No one just had a lot of free time"-you "You sure your not trying to impress Tom?"-Maddie"Are you stupid they don't go to our school"-you "Are you stu...

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"That's cute"-you
"I like it"-sister

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