Part 6

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After signing you and Tom walked back down
Then you heard
You turned around
Tom did too
He leaned over and kissed your cheek
The fan took the photo
Everyone started screaming
You both went down the stairs
Then you seen Jeremy walking up the stairs
"Oh there you are"-Jeremy
He looked at Tom
"Who's this"-Jeremy
"Oh Channing this is Tom"-you
"From the band"-Jeremy
He nodded
"What do you need?"-you
"I was just wondering if I could
get your number"-Jeremey
You nodded
He gave you him phone
You typed in your number
"Alright thanks bye gorgeous"-Jeremy
He walked away
Tom looked at you
You shrugged your shoulders
He rolled his eyes
Jeremy was spamming your phone
Asking so many questions
"What are you doing"
"Are you home?"
You were trying to answer as best as you could
He was talking about him self the whole time
Talking about his acting career
And other stuff
You and bill had planned to go shopping at the mall that day
You were over at his house
You were figuring out an outfit
"Can I do your eyeliner?"-bill
"I don't look good with it"-you
"Yes you will"-bill
You sat down
He started to do your eyeliner
"Can I dress you"-bill
After the makeup he went into his closet
You looked in the mirror
"Holy shit"-you
"I look weird"-you
"No you don't"-bill
He walked out
He handed you a bunch of stuff
And you went to go change
You came out

You walked out like this "Here"-bill He put some rings on you and a necklace "I look strange"-you"See now we are like twins"-bill You and him took photos And you uploaded a photo on Instagram "Go show Tom"-bill He started to film You went out his ...

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You walked out like this
He put some rings on you and a necklace
"I look strange"-you
"See now we are like twins"-bill
You and him took photos
And you uploaded a photo on Instagram
"Go show Tom"-bill
He started to film
You went out his room
You knocked on his room
Then walked in
He walked out his closet
Without a shirt
He looked at you and his jaw dropped
Bill was behind you filming
He covered his mouth
"Holy shit"-Tom
He said walking up to you slowly
"Oh god"-Tom
He cupped your cheek
He looked at what you guys were wearing
"You guys look like twins"-Tom
"Do you like it"-you
"It definitely something"-tom
"We'll we are gonna go"-you
He gave you a hug
There were some security guards following you and bill around the mall
There were a bunch of people staring at you and bill as you both walked past
"Let's go into Sephora"-you
You both walked in
He walked over
You handed him some things
"Why so many different eyeliners"-bill
You shrugged
You got some other stuff and payed
You and bill had probably walked into at least 23 stores in the mall
"Bill paparazzi is here"-security guard
"Alright ready to go?"-bill
You both walked out the store you were just in
There was a crowd of girls and guys
You and bill left the mall with them tracings behind
"That was scary"-you
He laughed
You were in bills room
You were taking all your things out the bag
He was changing his pants
While he was gone you put the eyeliners that you got on top of his desk
He came back out a little after
He helped you take off your makeup
You and him were gonna go play Mario cart
"Go ask Tom if he wants to come"-bill
You knocked on his door
Then walked in
You said jumping on his bed
He said walking out his bathroom in pajamas
"We are gonna go play Mario cart wanna come"-you
"Yea I'll be down in a sec"-Tom
You said running out his room
You ran downstairs
Then to there basement
It was very fancy
It had a large tv and a bunch of gaming things
"He said he's coming down in a second"-you
You said sitting on the floor
You guys played one round
Then Tom came down
Bill went up to his room to get something
You were left with Tom
He was showing you a video
"I don't get it"-you
He looked at you disappointed
"I'm sorry!"-you
He explained
"So what is he like a killer or something"-you
"Ohhh I get it now"-you
He laughed
He said smiling and looking at your lips
Bill came back down
You sat down on the couch
Bill sat in front of you on the floor
And Tom and bill were playing
You were playing around with bills hair
You were running your nails through his hair
He lost
"Alright switch"-bill
They switched spots
So you started to play with toms dreads
You didn't want to take off his hat
So you were lightly scratching his
neck and jawline area
(Idk if that makes sense)
Tom lost again
Bill switched spots
You started to play with his hair

TOM X Y/N 🎀Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя