The start: Episode one

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And just like that I was in New York standing in front of "West Crows studio." This place has history alright. I had researched a little bit about this place and apparently it's been here since the late 90s. Even the infamous Michi acted in this very building. Maybe I am crazy but this feels like Deja Vu without the Deja Vu.
I knock the door of the studio. A tall women that looks good for her age opens the door.
"You must be Mrs. Nagase."
"Please just call me Masae..."
  They open the doors for me as I walk in. The beautiful architecture in this house was amazing. But the only thing I can think of is Michi running these halls getting ready for the Maramba talk show. Then of course getting in a fight and making out with her manager. I don't want to see Michi like that but what else could I think of? I may be her friend but I barely knew her deep inside.
  "This building was actually my family's home century's ago. Thats why there's many molded art on the walls here. I never really understood them but they are beautiful."
  From the looks of the house design it must have been owned by Victorians with loads of cash or I guess gold. The artwork almost looks like witches being assassinated. As expected in the 18th or 17th century. I don't know my history.
  "And here is the crew! Now feel free to introduce yourself's"
  And one by one they introduce their selfs. I counted 4 main members who are acting, 7 people in the film department, and 3 for the writing team. I decide to meet the actors themselves first.
  "Uh..hello! I am Masae Nagase. Your new team member in the act."
  "Japanese huh? I'm Christine Stewards, dropped out of high school because the people are shit and I joined this place. What brings you here?" The first girl says
  "I thought we couldn't talk about our situations..." I say.
  "Who listens to that crap anymore? Jacob Rider nice to meet you Masae! Ignore Christine she's a white bitch. Right?" Another person says.
  They fight at each other as I'm guessing an original thing of there's.
  "As they fight let me introduce myself! I'm Kaley Franks."
  "Jinnie Veil."
  I felt I would belong quite well. I meet the rest of the people like the other actors, the writers, and filmmakers. And just like that the day was over. We closed up and went home. We are going to start the role picking tomorrow. The gist that I got is that it's about 5 friends that experience unatural hallucinations because of the drugs they take. We all get stuck in a hallucination world and slowly get crazier. Even forgetting there names. I know that little 15 year old me would watch the trailer a million times til' it comes out. I don't want to be that main character but I want one of the main roles. Lisa Well, the punk girl who was the bravest of the group.

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