Chapter 9- Threat's Goal Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Fine.
I'm sheneyana, a clothing designer and a businesswoman of my valley, and I just got the job of being an advisor and a secretary of the shanxxi main palace.
Other than that.
You have a pretty high reputation for having natural immense beauty. And I can see what they are saying.."
Zhao still kept her respect to her.

"Thank you, Miss sheneyana."

the fact that her confidence is much higher previously than last time made her recoil out of shock a bit.
her hand is on her chest as her smile is full of confidence and kindness instead of that sadness she felt due to constant judgment for being the master everywhere.
sheneyana hesitantly offers her hand as a sign of friendship.
"Well... I guess it shouldn't be too mean to someone I just met. let's talk at a table."

both of their hands collided.
"I'm glad to hear that."

both of them sat on a table while hua and chanxi left to take care of some errands.

"So... how good are you at martial arts?"

"I'm still in training at it, so I'm pretty decent. I'm still on the path to becoming even stronger than this.

"No, no. Nothing.
Hench,.your population across all provinces and sects is so frequent enough to hear your name coming out of people's mouths.
I tend to question who you are while I'm busy doing my own thing as the main commander or businesswoman of my valley, but the rumors are true about you..
"You are violent and ill-mannered. capable of causing misery to everybody around you for the fun of it."
But in my eyes glancing at you right here, dispite the rumors..
You seem to be highly beautiful..respectful and proper, and a stickler to focusing on your future goals.  I must say.. I'm quite impressed."

both of them drank their specialty tea made specifically for masters of shanxxi.
It had a sweet and sour taste with sugar canes on the outside of it.

"Thank you. But..why are you so nice to me? every important figure who met me either bash on me for my abilities or just talk crap for no reason other than to follow rumors that aren't even true.
I gotten used to it throughout all the times I even gotten this goal to be mine in the first place."

"Oh, I know.
some masters have told me about you. All they sent me is a bunch of foolish gibberish about how you aren't worthy enough to be a master and all that shit but I shouldn't care about men who are judgmental about everything and everyone.
You don't deserve the hate you keep getting. not after Yong Tao finds you to have incredible potential. even without the future of a master."

"Men? Why are we talking about men?"

"Well, let's see."
her glass almost shattered due to even the straightforward word of "men."

"Men are like dogs.
they act all obedient and cute to one another, but if they don't get what they want, then they bark and bark and bark once again, thinking it does anything~
but it really does.
men can't handle rejection to a girl they like, so they take it violent and aggressive as if spilling out their stupid rage over something they can't get is going to do anything else♡
Don't fight for a man for cheating on you.
instead... the man has to fight for you. if dicks are supposed to please woman then they seem entitled to think that their domination towards creating everything can be directed as woman being useless. A-anyways..
I had a lot of bad experiences with men throughout my lifetime. most men would be screaming for a wife that does everything for him.

And that's me."

"I see.. I see."
Zhao let her continue her rambling.

but we are the ones that do labor. many of our kind have asserted each piece of generational rage towards being abused and pushed away by men in the aspect of mankind.
Even some men who think of chanxi and hua as the most powerful female masters in shanxxi scoffed at them in resentment, thinking their abilities and power are just.."Child's play" or..."they don't want to serve to us." and it pisses me off.
Listen.. don't marry or be in a relationship with any man in the future. focusing on your goals instead of focusing on getting a man. most of my girlfriends back in my valley have sent me a letter screaming for my help all because their husband slept with someone.
This is a lesson learned here.
I mean, all they do is give out dick and dick all because they can't control themselves.
You know how fucking disgusting that is!?
I mean it's so stup-"

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