Chapter 8- Threat's Goal

Start from the beginning

Zhao ate the last of her bite while her mind was taking all of this information.
"....this is her point of view..?"

"Mhm.. she told me this when she studied nihilism 4 years ago before she actually got into the belief.
think about it. why would a god such as himself. The being that created the earth, including mankind would just go off into heaven and never communicate with the kind he's created. most people don't believe in miracles or in god himself due to his insufficient way of communicating with his kind, to have mankind believe in possibly a fake God who works like an evil government. what is mean by that is..
he sends evil to hell but in a much different way.
if God is such a spiritual powerful being capable of erasing evil from the face of the earth. when why does evil still roam this earth? it scares me to talk about this since our bodies are basically cages to our original souls.
Most people have existential terrors about having a body due to terrible accidents and injuries happening to our bodies..
Like getting your leg broken..
Your bones shattered.
face ripped off.
All of so easy to kill us. people are afraid of having a nonexistent afterlife in which it's pitch black for your tiny little soul. but who knows. we may be praying to nothing but a black void, forcing us to accept that heaven is real, but it's really a black void full of despair in which we have to live in for all enternity. it's the same for hell.. if people kill to protect, then it's still a sin enough to go to hell. make it make sense. I'm done's starting to terrify me that my daughter is able to think like this.
she is a sinner, but she doesn't have enough time to repent her sins in order to get to heaven. nobody cares a couple of sins anyway."

" it's like a belief that everything we do doesn't matter..? That's kind of a scary mindset to have..suddenly believing that all of your parents, your life, your kids, your jobs, your priorities means nothing since we all die someday.. I'm not saying I'm against her mindset, but it's a bit scary."

both of them were done with their food,

"I know. the fact that buddhism is part of our religion makes a lot of sense since they don't believe in any god in the first place. so she's both a nihilist and a buddhist. she doesn't pray that often, but since aware about it."

"I can't believe that..but it's so hard not to believe it. did any of our achievements or goals in life matter as long as we die with a good heart? I'm not in any religion or in any belief whatsoever, but this one is able to spark me a bit... maybe I should keep it as my own in the future."

Zhao tied her hair to a ponytail after she found a rubber band on the floor.

"Wait...YOUR going to get into this belief? isn't it scary to you like you said earlier..?"

"I been through a lot in my life. but somehow, god doesn't help with most life failures anyway. I didn't pray to him when I was suffering under my mother and my father back in my old village.
I didn't pray and think miracles are real.
I overcame it just by coming back and dealing with the problem quickly.
and now I'm starting to change.
that's what matters. Do you think I care if my belief in God is going to send me to a nonexistent harmony? No.
I overcame my obstacles like a bandaging of a fresh cut wound that will never bleed again in which it will never block me from my growth ever again. keep it in mind. "

"Hm... your determination and your goals to reach the seven Dragons master role in your future is inspiring."

her hand reached out to her.
the sunshine gleamed at the back of her head.
"This is out of hao's words for the second time.
Do you recall having a good relationship together due to our conflict when we first met each other? Or just keep hating on me when none of these people don't matter to me. All that matters is my goal.
I got it and was afraid of it at first hand when I was announced that I was going to be this master in the future. and I didn't know what to do.
But now that I have taken care of my truama and my life problems after basically running away from it for years.. I will keep it as my own and try my hardest to reach it. This is the power of having a purpose.
instead of living in existential boredom of being a cook to a sect with no purpose other than to make food for a bunch of messy ass disciples. you accept me?"
her hand grasped hers without any hesitation.

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